Olivia, Your artwork makes me smile! Your latest one of the street scene makes me want to walk along and visit the shops! Maybe have an ice cream!
- Pat(fan) on June 19, 2024
Olivia, I meant to ask you about your artwork last night. So I was happy when I checked and found this new picture. It's very engaging. It makes me want to look into it, to learn more about it. It has a charm to it. It looks like a food truck but I'm not sure what I would order! Ha! Ha! What's on the menu? Is something on fire in the kitchen? Is the skull the food truck logo? Love it!
- PATTY on June 19, 2024
What a cool girl! Is she anyone you know? She looks like she has a secret that's making her smile - Like Mona Lisa!
- Pat(fan) on September 27, 2023
Leave it to you, Olivia, to get on such a cool website! It's a great way to display your talent! Love the hand! Sort of hits me as a metaphor for all the emotions flowing through the body! Very cool!