"Chrisander", this looks amazing papi! You are going to be the next Picasso! I hope you can teach Riqy a thing or two about drawing/painting. Great job and keep up the great work. See you later alligator! -Millie
- on June 10, 2009
Hey Pipian! I love the artwork you've been doing at school, so keep up the good work. Your very talented and I can't wait to see more. Your an amazing and smart lil' guy and I'm lucky to be ur auntie! Love you with all my heart! ~Grace P.S. I wanna see nothing but happy faces all the time 8)
- on January 23, 2009
Wow! Like wowzers! No way! I mean wow! And woowie! This drawing is so like, wow! I didn't know you could draw like this Christian. Looks like we got a Beethoven in the family now. Wait, that's music.... Uhmm?? This is really good Chris. Keep up the good work. And all I can say is WoW!!! - Jake
- on January 23, 2009
Chris, you have all my favorite colors on this one, I really love it. Keep up the good work! Love you.... Titi Jeann
- on December 2, 2008
Christian, I'm soooooo proud of you. I love your artwork and I want you to know that I'm your "#1 fan". I love you soooooo much. Titi Jeannette ;-)