Kylie15402's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Kylie15402's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great piece - it inspires me to go camping up north!
- Michael on January 23, 2025
Wow - you are working with clay now! Great work!
- Michael on December 25, 2024
Magical - I really like your subject matter and composition! Keep up the great work.
- Michael on November 13, 2024
Great portrait of Frida Kahlo!
- Michael on October 9, 2024
Kylie, I love your work! When I look at this picture, I see so much creativity! I imagine the balloons representing a way to celebrate the images that you drew including your name, your cats, your art table. Well done! I look forward to seeing your next creation! Love, Aunt Atira
- Atira on October 2, 2024
Do I see Bella and Beau in the clouds? If so, I bet I know which one is which and you are so funny!!!
- Ginni (Mother) on September 18, 2024
I love this, Kylie! This is very cool. What an interesting idea for your name card- balloons in the clouds- how imaginative! I also love the shading on the clouds!
- Mom on September 18, 2024
Keep up the great work!
- Michael on September 18, 2024
Kylie, This is a really neat piece. I love that you drew the train cars, wheels and road in the front larger than these items in the back of the picture. I also love how you used the different colors for the trains. I especially think you did a great job using the dark background to make the drawing pop!
- Aunt Karen on November 29, 2023
Hi Kylie, Wonderful - creative perspective I love all of the detail in this picture from the sun in the corner to your adorable face, cute hair style, pretty flower your shirt, and design on the pants! GREAT JOB!!! ??
- Aunt Karen on November 29, 2023
The train piece is not only with what I will describe as 3D perspective, but it also conveys to me a massively long and powerful train (while only showing 5 train cars) that is urgently plowing through challenging weather conditions. It reminds me of the train on the movie (and now TV Series) "Snowpiercer." Nice work as usual Kylie!
- Sean (Father) on November 22, 2023
Drawing self-portraits is a great way to practice developing your skills. I challenge you to continue to draw yourself. You can use pictures or even a mirror! Keep up the great work!
- Michael on November 16, 2023
Wayne Thiebaud is one of my favorite painters! Great job making an original drawing inspired by his work!
- Michael on November 16, 2023
Kylie - great work on this piece! I love the composition! The rich detail you've included in the background is really impressive - this feels like a real place the viewer can explore. Plus, I like the character you've designed. They seem very fashionable. Keep up the great work!
- Michael on November 16, 2023
Wow! This is so impressive. I love the consistency and realism of the mountains in the background. It is really cool to see so many layers in the background- from the deck you are standing on to the town below, and then the tree line before the mountains. I also love the brightness of the person versus the more subdued colors of the background. Great Job!!
- Ginni (Mother) on November 15, 2023
This is beautiful! I love the shading and highlights. It has a realistic 3D effect. Great job!
- Ginni (Mother) on October 24, 2023