Whit4's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Whit4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Whit - I love your new artwork! What a cute fish. Is this from story you read, or did you make it up? Love you!!
- on December 15, 2009
Hi Whit, we all love the pictures! I love the birds but I especially love all the colors of the other pictures. We can't wait to see you-Alayna wants to color pictures with you now. Love you-Aunt Amy
- on May 15, 2009
Love the new picture, Whit. I love all the bright colors! I can't wait to show it to Daddy. We are both so proud of you! I love you- Mommy
- on April 29, 2009
Whit- I love this new picture! I think that it may be my new favorite!! I can't wait to show Daddy. I know he will love it too. We love you & are SO proud of you!
- on March 26, 2009
Whit - I love your new artwork! I wish we had a farm like that. Wouldn't that be great? We are so proud of you!!! We love you- Daddy & Mommy
- on February 18, 2009
Whit, we are just amazed at your Farm Yard picture. It is just sooo good. You are doing a great job with your painting. We are proud of you and love you very much, Grami & Pa Jack
- on February 16, 2009
Hi Whit, Grami & PaJack both love birds. We have lots at our house; and we have a red bird that leaps up and down on our windows. These that you painted are so good!! You are doing a great job painting....keep it up. We are proud of you and love you lots and wish we could see you and Aimee more often. Love, Grami & PaJack
- on January 22, 2009
Whit- I love all of your new work! You are doing such a great job and Daddy and I are so proud of you!!! We love you!
- on January 22, 2009
Hey Whit! I love your new art work. Is that Daddy or Aimee's bad hair day? I love you, keep up the great work! We are so proud of you!!! Mommy & Daddy & Aimee
- on November 24, 2008
It won't be long until you will be catching what you paint. Keep up the good work. We are soooo proud of you. Love, PaJack & Grami
- on November 5, 2008
Whit, I loved this! It is my new favorite. So colorful, almost looks like a real fish! I'm so proud of you. Love you much- Mommy
- on November 3, 2008
Your picure is very good. We are very proud of you. Just keep up the good work. We will be looking forward to seeing more of your work. We love you, Grami & Pa Jack
- on September 30, 2008
Whit- I love this picture of the red birds! You did such a great job, you must be so proud of yourself! This is my new favorite. Love you! Mom
- on September 26, 2008
Whit - that is the most beautiful picture that I have ever seen! I printed it so I could put it on my desk. You are so talented and smart. I love you very much. GiGi
- on September 18, 2008
Congratulations on your new artwork. I love it!! I can't wait for Daddy to get home and see it. I love you!
- on September 18, 2008