Aubrey16325's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Aubrey16325's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mommy & Daddy love your scary carrot. We liked how you have the carrot feet and arms and hands. We love the way his eyebrows are. We love how you dray and put things together. You have an amazing imagination. Keep up the good work.
- Jacqueline (Mother) on October 25, 2023
These apples you cut and colored look so nice I wish I could eat one. I know you told me that your favorite apple to eat is the yellow one. My favorite is the green one. They’re so yummy. You did a fantastic job coloring inside of the lines. I’m so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
- Jacqueline (Mother) on October 6, 2023
I love your green monster. The colors you used are perfect for Halloween. I really like the green color you used for the monsters body. I like how you drew the arms, the feet, the monsters hair, the big eyes and the color of his clothes. Your work is outstanding Aubrey!
- Jacqueline (Mother) on October 6, 2023