Theo2266's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Theo2266's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a wonderful self portrait! But when did you get an elephant and what’s its name?
- Grampa Jim on May 1, 2024
This cool looking. You must have had fun making it! Did you learn how to use a kiln?
- Grampa Jim on May 1, 2024
Theo, this is beautiful! And it’s making me hungry! Grandpa Jim
- Jim on March 1, 2024
What a wonderful painting! We have some very big owls by our house and I can almost hear yours hoot!
- Jim on March 1, 2024
I love this!!!
- Bang Bang on March 1, 2024
Dear Theo, I love this picture. Watercolor is one of my favorite ways to paint! I hope we can paint together soon! Love, Grampa Jim
- Grampa Jim on March 1, 2024
Dear Theo, I don’t know the title of this picture but it looks like bird cousins. You have a great imagination! Love, Grampa Jim
- Grampa Jim on March 1, 2024
Do you know how much I love this picture? I love love love it! It reminds me of a famous artist named Marc Chagall. Ask your mom and dad to show you some of them. Good work! Love, Grampa Jim
- Grampa Jim on March 1, 2024