GABRIELLE802's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about GABRIELLE802's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job Honey!!!! This is so cool looking.. Keep up the good art work. You are doing a great job!!! Keep the art work coming..' We love you Mom and Dad
-- Donna
- on October 4, 2010
Congratulations on your first Artsonia artwork for the 2010-2011 school year. Looking forward to many more great pieces of artwork. Mrs. Pfeifer
-- Mrs. Pfeifer
- on September 12, 2010
This is so bright and cheery. I love the Mexican Sun Face. Well done. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on September 12, 2010
Very nice!
- on May 25, 2009
Awesome artwork. Mrs. Grenier
- on March 10, 2009
I love the colors in your paintings. Ms. Collier
- on March 10, 2009
Congratulations on your tints of winter painting. Well done! Mrs. Pfeifer
- on March 10, 2009
Keep up the great artwork on Artsonia. I love looking at all of it. Mrs. Greeley
- on February 23, 2009
Outstanding artwork. I love the cat. Ms. Collier
- on February 23, 2009
Congratulations on your Laurel Burch Animal. Well done. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on February 23, 2009
Congratulations on publishing your artwork on Artsonia. pbartteacher
- on February 23, 2009
I love the colors of your Chinese Scroll. Your drawing reminds me of the spring time. Winter will be over soon. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on February 23, 2009
Congratulations on having your artwork posted on Artsonia. I love it. Mrs. Miner
- on February 23, 2009
Great artwork. Mrs. Grenier (in the office)
- on February 23, 2009
You did a really nice job on your artwork. Ms. Collier
- on November 19, 2008
Wow I love this fall collage. Good use color and space. Keep up the hard work. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on November 19, 2008
Honey, Your picture is beautiful. What a great job you did on your self portrait. Wait until Dad sees this. He'll love it. Keep up the good artwork. We look forward to many other great pictures from you. We love you, Mom and Dad
- on October 14, 2008
Congratulations on posting your first artwork on Artsonia. You did an awesome job on your self portrait drawing. Keep up the hard work in art class. You are the best. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on October 14, 2008