RANDI123's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about RANDI123's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cool artwork. From, Logan
-- Logan
- on September 25, 2010
Another great piece of artwork on Artsonia. Mrs. Miner
- on September 25, 2010
Awesome self portrait artwork. Congratulations on publishing artwork on Artsonia.com Mrs. DeTomi in the office
- on September 25, 2010
Great job. Mrs. Grenier
- on September 25, 2010
Keep up the great artwork. Your figures in motion are awesome. I really like the colors. Ms. Collier
- on September 25, 2010
Hi Randi I like your new picture it's neat. Love Grandma
- on September 25, 2010
Figures in motion are awesome. I love the choice of colors. They really look like they are moving. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on September 25, 2010
Randi I Love your drawing. Keep up the good work. I will be ordering a key chain and a bumper sticker. Love Grandma
- on September 25, 2010
Keep up the hard work. You can do it if you try. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on September 25, 2010