Eloise1744's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Eloise1744's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your art creations are so HAPPY. I love the colors you have chosen - they make me smile and laugh. Keep it up girl !! Love, Pop Pop
- William on January 6, 2024
We all scream for ice-cream and Nani screams yay!!! That's frame-able too!! oxox
- Nani on January 5, 2024
Excellent! Frame worthy. Oxox
- Paw Paw(fan) on January 5, 2024
Awesome!!!! I’m so proud of you! Your practice and love of drawing is coming to life. Keep it up. Oxox
- Nani on January 5, 2024
Great work of art Eloise! I can tell how much you are learning in drawing class. Oxox
- Nani on January 5, 2024