This turkey rocks Sayde...Keep up the good work...Your art is so beautiful...Miss you. And I am so glad to hear you are having so much fun at your new school and home.
- on January 13, 2009
You and Mommy look so nice in your picture. Good job my little lady. Love you, Poppy
- on September 29, 2008
Ohh. This looks just like you. Such a good job.
- on September 28, 2008
Sayde, I love it. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Miss you keep up the good work in school.
- on September 28, 2008
Sadye, your picture is beautiful, just like you! I love you more than hot fudge sundays!
- on September 6, 2008
Sadye how big you are getting! I am so glad you draw well so I can tell how pretty you are. Is that a pretty pink shirt or dress you have on? I love you Nonna
- on September 6, 2008
What a pretty heart fish! Sadye you are a very talented artist, I Love you Nonna
- on September 6, 2008
You rock! I miss you so much! I think your art work has gotten much better now that you're in first grade!