Evelyn15561's Comments (111)

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Below are comments about Evelyn15561's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Evelyn! This is a fun and great piece of ceramic art! Did you have fun making it? Do you enjoy doing ceramics art? I wonder what directions you were given, or if you could do anything you wanted? How long did it take you? I always enjoy seeing your creativity! Thanks for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on December 2, 2024
What a cute puppy, Evelyn! Is that a bow on her head? Knowing how much you love animals, my guess is you’ve named her? Did you use paper mache for this tail-wagging friend? Email me the answers to my questions if you get a chance. Love you, Evelyn and love your art too! Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on December 2, 2024
Evelyn, This last artwork from your third grade year is so creative! I can see some of your dreams and favorite things here - especially the puppy! Were you dreaming about getting Ivy Petunia when you did this artwork? Plus rainbows, sunchine, pink clouds, and more! I always love seeing your art creations and I admire how hard you work at everything! You're the BEST! Love always, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on June 21, 2024
Wow Evelyn! You obviously worked so hard coloring all of those boxes! I like you you learned about this artist and then did your own interpretation of that style of art! The cool tree with square apples(?) is very creative, too! Thank you for sharing your creativity! You are very special. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on May 30, 2024
Hi Evelyn - I think I see some of your dreams and wishes. What an interesting puppy with a fun rainbow under her body. And maybe the puppy is flying! Looks like so much fun creating this! Love your art, your creativity and just you, being you! Love, Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on May 30, 2024
A Frank Lloyd Wright window design! Great job, Evelyn! I love all of the colors you used in this artwork! You have such a good eye for color and are so creative! Thank you for sharing your artwork! I LOVE seeing ALL of it! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on May 30, 2024
Good work, Evelyn! I can see all the hard work you did getting all the squares colored in. Love the brightness of the tree which makes it pop and the little squares on the tree tie it all together! I love that we get to see your cool art! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on May 22, 2024
Evelyn, This piece is so fun to look at! I especially love the horns, which look like Florida birds. I also like the colors - especially the purple and blue. Where is this creature going to live? How big is it? Thank you for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on April 10, 2024
This is such an interesting piece, Evelyn! What is your monster’s name? I wonder if those are ducks on his head? I love your choice of colors. Wish you could tell me all about it in person! You can in just 4 weeks! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on April 3, 2024
Banyan Trees! Evelyn, this artwork is another amazing example of your great abilities at art! There are so many colors and so many interesting design elements happening here. The shadows on the ground, the interweaving of the branches and background colors, and the overall effect is fun to look at! Good going Evelyn. Looking at this makes we want to go to Hawaii, where there are hundreds of Banyan trees. They don't grow where it gets cold, so we'll never be able to grow on in Minnesota. When are you going to Hawaii? I'll go along! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 6, 2024
Hi Evelyn - love the colors you chose and how your banyan tree looks so real. Have you seen a banyan tree in real life? I have and I wonder if you can guess where…??Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on February 6, 2024
Wow! Super cool art. I really like the contrast between dark colors and bright colors! The tree limbs almost form a web.
- Chris on February 6, 2024
I HONESTLY thought that this was the front page of an art website when I first saw this artwork! Wow Evelyn! First, I love your message! Being honest is always best. Second, the design and use of color really caught my eye. This artwork is superb!! As always, thank you for sharing. Your artwork makes my heart happy! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on December 20, 2023
Hi Evelyn! I love this! The message is right on and your careful placement of the hearts and your color choices make this a poster everyone will want! I also noticed the mini hearts you added to the letters making it even cooler. I’ll be honest: I can’t wait to see you and get one of your best hugs. Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on December 20, 2023
Hi Evelyn, This is such a beautiful landscape! I loved reading about the artist you studied and then seeing your choices was the icing on the cake! Your water colors are a lovely transition of light to dark. Beautiful artwork, sweetie! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on November 1, 2023
A fish? Oh wait, maybe it's an airplane. Sorry ;>/ I love the rainbow colors on this artwork, Evelyn Elizabeth! Good going. Love you.
- Grandma Tracey on September 27, 2023
Hi Evelyn! I LOVE this piece of art that you created at your new school! Be Kind, Be YOU makes sense to me because YOU are a VERY KIND person! I like how the animals in your picture are sending a message of peace. It is always fun to see your art and what you are learning in school. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on September 27, 2023
Love this art and especially the message. I think your bunnies are talking “peacefully” too. This is so you, Evelyn, because you are truly a kind person. ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on September 27, 2023
Hi Evelyn, This is a fun picture to look at! There are so many different things - I see a tall tree with a hole for a squirrel home and something red up in the leaves. I see something that looks like a Furry factory, a birdhouse, sunshine, blue sky, and a beautiful flower. It looks like you used paint AND crayons - cool combination! Again, thank you for sharing your artistic talent! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on September 27, 2023
Evelyn, Of course I LOVE this artwork that you created! Why? Because it looks like a tropical fish that you might see in Florida! I love all of the brightly colored stripes and it might even be the kind of fish you might find in the Caribbean near Mexico! Can't wait to see you there SOON! Love always, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on September 27, 2023
Well, this is amazing! What a super cool picture that combines so many of some of our favorite things: dolphins! fish, snails, rainbows, water, and is that a sailboat? You are really creative and making some beautiful art! I'm honored to be able to see you school art. So fun! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 15, 2023
Hi Evelyn! There are so many reasons to love this. I notice you used complementary colors and 3D shading with watercolor! How did you make, for example, Mr. Upper Left have such roley poley cheeks?! I also like your eye placement and their cute smiles, each one different! Thanks for sharing. I hope you like art as much as I love seeing it! Love, Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on March 15, 2023
Evelyn, THIS is cuter than cute and brighter than bright! This is so far my favorite piece of artwork in your school collection. I think you know that I prefer bright colors and this is certainly BRIGHT! If it's okay with you, I'd like to find a way to make this into a picture that I can hang in our Florida house. Would that be okay with you? I love all of the happy expressions on everyone's face and in their fun eyes! AND those eyelashes! You are amazing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 1, 2023
I love the colors on this art! The “red” of the foxes is a perfect contrast to the blue of the sky. Add to that, the beauty of the beautiful birch trees, a favorite of mine. Very beautiful, Evelyn! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on February 1, 2023
Evelyn, You continue to amaze me with all of your hard work and creativity. I absolutely love all of the detail in this picture - the birch tree trunks look so real! And the fox family looks amazing. I can tell that they might be a bit chilly, since they have their tails curled about their feet to keep them warm. You are such a good artist. Thank you for sharing this artwork! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 1, 2023
So many bendable figures! This artwork is so fun to see and reminds me of watching you at TAGS gymnastics and at home when you are doing handstands! :>) You did a really good job making the figures in all different balancing and action positions! Thanks for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 1, 2023
A purple pot, with steam coming out - super cool! These last 2 pieces of artwork are similar, but also different. I like comparing and contrasting them. Which one is your favorite? Thank you for sharing. You're such a good artist! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 1, 2023
Wow, Evelyn! This artwork is amaaazing! It actually looks like real steam is coming out of that pot! Did you do that with yarn? Isn't it fun to mix different materials for your artwork? Plus, I love the cool splotches of color in the background. Did you draw the table and the pot and plate? Wow! Question: What is lying on the table next to the pot? I'm guessing a cookie? Thank you for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 1, 2023
Hi Evelyn, I’m seeing a 3 dimensional cup or pot with some very colorful steam. Am I right? I just love this abstract art. Miss you soooo much. Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on February 1, 2023
Omg, Evelyn. I love the colors and the watercolor technique you used! Isn’t art fun?! Wish I could join you! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on December 21, 2022
Such bendable bodies! Kind of like how you are at gymnastics. Love the colors you chose too. Thanks for sharing your amazing artwork, Evelyn!
- Gramma Jan on December 21, 2022
Evelyn, This is the happiest clock EVER! I love the smile on the face of the clock and the interesting combination of watercolor and colored pencils. SUPER creative! It looks like it's 7:00. What happens at that time? See you soon. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on November 30, 2022
Hi Evelyn, What a very colorful clock! You must have spent a lot of time coloring this. I wonder about the arrows. Let me know what they mean. Thanks for sharing your artwork! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on November 2, 2022
Hi Evelyn! I am excited to see the beginning of your 2nd grade artwork! I love the colors you used in this community/unity artwork and I'm curious to hear about what the colors and symbols mean to you! See you soon! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on November 2, 2022
Hi Evelyn - this artwork makes me feel happy! Love the colors you chose. I’m wondering if you used markers or paint. Thanks for sharing ??! Gramma Jan
- Jan on November 2, 2022
Evelyn, This artwork is very unique. You sure like to choose bright colors, which light up the world - just like YOU do! Is this a self-portraint? If it is you, are you dancing? It so so fun to watch you having fun dancing and creating colorful art! Thank you for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on June 15, 2022
I love the contrast of the background and the self portrait! Such bright colors! Great work, Evelyn! Gramma Jan
- Jan on June 15, 2022
Oh, now I get it! This is the overlapping snakes! I'm glad that you made your snakes look mostly friendly! I love all of your bright colors and designs. You even hid your name on one of them - haha! You'll have to teach me how to do this overlapping technique sometime. I have no idea how to do it, but I'd love to learn! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on June 15, 2022
Evelyn, Who is this? This creature sure took a LOT of work and good planning. The face looks kind of scary. Could this be someone from the Lion King? Moana? Encanto? Or just someone or something from your own imagination? Is her/his tongue sticking out? Great job! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on June 15, 2022
Evelyn, This looks like a hard assignment! I love all of the colors you used and your use of overlapping is super good. Where in the world are the snakes? They REALLY are hiding! Might they be purple? I hope I don't have any snakes hiding this well in my flower gardens! Thank you for sharing your artwork. See you SOON! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on June 15, 2022
Hi birthday girl! I love your sun! Such pretty colors and so many shapes! Pretty soon I’ll get to see your artwork in person. See you soon! Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on June 15, 2022
Hi Evelyn! You’ve hidden the snakes so well! I wonder if they’re purple. So many different shapes! Overlapping must have been difficult. Great job! I love seeing your artwork! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on April 27, 2022
Evelyn, This GIANT, colorful bird made me smile as soon as it popped up on my screen! This is one of the cutest birds I've ever seen and I wonder what bird you were thinking of when you drew and decorated it? Maybe a Florida seagull or parrot? Your use of the yellow hearts and pink swirls makes it feel like this bird is fun and spunky - like you! Thank you for sharing. You are a very good artist!
- Grandma Tracey on March 23, 2022
Hi Evelyn! I love your bird with its WARM colors! Thanks for sharing and see you soon! Xxxooo Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 23, 2022
Hi Evelyn, This is another interesting piece of art work. I LOVE the design and the bright colors that you used! The hills and tress remind me of being up north in Minnesota OR in the foothills of the mountains in Colorado. I also like the different shades of blue and yellow in the sky - a happy picture! Thank you for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on January 29, 2022
Hi Evelyn, I LOVE these two snow-people. It looks like you were working on shadows/shading? Were you using paint? I see snowflakes in the sky! You are really a good artist and I LOVE all of your art projects. I'm so happy your art teacher shares them with us! See you sooooooon! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on January 29, 2022
Hi Evelyn! I love these snowmen! I notice the shading-wow! Very professional! I think you worked on these before Christmas because I notice you used red and green Christmas colors. I notice some snow in the sky! The clouds are so nice too. Love your artwork! Thanks for sharing! Love, Gramma Jan Ps I just saw a snowman on Anna Maria Island. Can you guess what it was made of?
- Jan on January 29, 2022
Hi Evelyn! I see you’ve been working hard once again. I wonder if I see gifts and maybe a Christmas tree? Now that you’re typing, maybe you can send me an email to tell me all about your artwork! Thanks for sharing! Gramma Jan
- Jan on December 22, 2021
1 Zebra! I LOVE this water color zebra picture! It's one of my favorite pieces of art work that you have done at school! It looks like someone WAY older than first grade drew this! I'm wondering what is under the zebra's nose. I looks like another kind of animal - maybe a happy manatee? OR a grasshopper? There are soooooo many great lines on this zebra! Thank you so much for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on November 17, 2021
Evelyn, This is so beautiful! At first I didn’t even see your zebra and when I did, it was almost camouflaged! I love the colors you chose too. This is my favorite so far. Keep up the good work! Gramma Jan
- Jan on November 17, 2021
Evelyn, This is one of my very FAVORITE pieces of your school artwork! It makes me feel happy to think about a fun Fall activity when I look at this picture! Catching falling leaves, walking through leaves on the sidewalk, jumping in piles of leaves, and noticing all of the beautiful leaf colors are all super fun things to do in Minnesota in the Fall. Thank you for sharing this beautiful artwork! I love the look of your hands and the beautiful colors you used on your leaves!
- Love, Grandma Tracey on November 17, 2021
Dear Evelyn ??, I think you’ve turned 10! This is beautiful and hard to believe it’s done by a first grader. Such detail! You even showed knuckles on your hands. I love the colors you chose too. Just like you saw outside in nature. Please say thank you to your wonderful teacher! You are lucky to have an expert artist for art class. See you soon. Miss you so much! Gramma Jan
- Jan on November 5, 2021
Evelyn, This artwork is so fun to look at. There is so much going on! I love all of the different types of lines - especially the curly ques! I also like the contrast of black and white and then the burst of bright colors through the middle. Plus, I see a little bunny in the bottom of the picture. Is that Hop Hop? Thank you for sharing your artwork. I hope first grade is so much fun! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on October 6, 2021
Wow, Evelyn! So many colors and types of lines! I can tell you worked on this so long and so hard! Thanks for sharing! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on October 6, 2021
Evelyn, I LOVE your first artwork from 1st grade! You sure used a LOT of designs and colors to make your word, GROW, look creative, fun, and amazing. YOU are amazing! I look forward to seeing what other art you create this year in 1st grade! Love always, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on September 8, 2021
Hi Evelyn - so excited to see your first artwork. I love the designs and colors you used. Keep having fun in first grade! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on September 8, 2021
Evelyn, This is the most perfect picture for our baby shower invitation! We are excited to mail the invitations to everyone with your super fun picture on them! Thank you for helping us! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on September 8, 2021
Wow, Evelyn! There’s so much detail on this. I see 2 cute giraffes with so many carefully placed spots, carefully drawn manes and cute tails too. They are ready for rain, aren’t they? I love the color of the umbrella and the many colored hearts. Thus just might be my favorite so far but I’ve loved every single one! Thanks for sharing! Gramma Jan
- Jan on September 8, 2021
Evelyn, This is such an amazing picture for the baby shower invitations! Thank you very much for your help! This picture is the cutest ever and we are excited to make it into a postcard invitation! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on September 8, 2021
Evelyn, Is this a cardinal enjoying a snowstorm? You did a great job drawing the bird and showing them perched on the branch of a big tree! I love it! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 24, 2021
It’s snowing! Love the detail on your bird and it’s color stands out with the gray background. Thanks for sharing your art, Evelyn! Keep up the good work! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 19, 2021
I love this lion, especially the WARM colors you used for his mane! Reminds me about the month of March (that it comes in like a lion and out like a lamb)! Do you like spring? I think you do! Have you been able to ride your bike? Congrats on another fun art project! I ?? seeing your work! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 19, 2021
Evelyn, What a great lion! I love how you painted the mane with yellow, orange, and brown! The face is cute, too! I once heard that March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb. Do you think that is going to be true? Do you just LOVE art class? You have been creating a lot of different kinds of art that is fun to see! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 19, 2021
Purple City! It's cool how the purple crayon in the center has purple lines coming from it! Who are the people? They seem to be friends! Do I see a Fairy house? I would love for you to tell me more about this interesting picture! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 17, 2021
Hi Evelyn! This looks like the spoon and cherry sculpture at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden! It is interesting to see how you created 3 dimensional art! Did you draw it yourself before you cut it out? It looks like there was a LOT of cutting around the edges, too! Thank you for sharing your artwork! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 17, 2021
Well, this looks like a creative way of expressing the numbers 0 - 10. There are a lot of bright colors here and I love how they are all different. May favorite is the number 3 because the colors are Lakeville NORTH colors - go Panthers! :>). Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 15, 2021
Is this an owl? I've never seen a pink and purple owl, but I LOVE it! What did you make this one from? I think you used crayons, but did you also use something else? I love how your artwork is always special and shows off your creative talent and imagination. Thank you for sharing! Grandma Tracey p.s. I miss you!!!
- Grandma Tracey on March 15, 2021
Evelyn, Super bright popsicle colors and patterns! 3 of them! Who is going to eat them? You are so talented and creative with your patterns and colors! These make me think of playing outside in the warm summer sunshine and then cooling off with frozen popsicles! Thank you for sharing your amazing art! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 15, 2021
Evelyn, This is super cute! I love those bright eyes and cute ears and nose! It's also cool that thee are some bright colors on it's face! I'm wondering if this is a special animal and if it has a name? If I were guessing, I would guess that it is an otter and their name is Ollie. Thank you for sharing so much fun art from your school! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 15, 2021
Yum! These look like very colorful and tasty popsicles! It’s getting warm enough for a popsicle! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 15, 2021
This looks like a friendly animal! Please tell me more about her/him, Evelyn. So excited to see your art! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 15, 2021
Evelyn, So many happy colors in this flower design! I LOVE it! Are you having so much fun mixing paint colors to create new colors? Grandma Gerry would LOVE this one, too, because her favorite flower color is yellow! Maybe we can find a flower this summer that looks like this one. Thank you, again, for sharing your beautiful artwork! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 15, 2021
Very colorful, Evelyn, and I love the colors you chose! Thanks for sharing! It brightened my day! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 15, 2021
Evelyn Elizabeth, Wow! There are about 50 shades of green here!;>). Did you have fun mixing blue and yellow to make the different green shades? Isn't it fun to see the snow melting and the green grass peeking out? Soon the green buds will start popping out on the trees and we will be able to plant some seeds and plants that will have green stems and leaves. Thank you for sharing another fun painting. It makes me happy to see your amazing artwork! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 10, 2021
Evelyn, I love your art! Now this reminds me of all the green plants that will be coming in Minnesota because it’s warming up right now. I think you painted this. Do you like to paint? I’m so happy you get to have art with your art teacher! And I’m really glad that in less than 2 months, I get to see your art in person. Thanks, Ms Haugen, for sharing!
- Gramma Jan on March 10, 2021
Evelyn Elizabeth, I LOVE this artwork! To me, it looks like a bright yellow sunshine with pretty sunset colors around it. Did you cut all of those smaller pieces of colored paper? What were you thinking about or creating when you were designing this beautiful piece of artwork? Thank you for sharing it! This is fun for me! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 10, 2021
I see an owl and I’m so interested in why your owl is on a map! What an artist you are. So fun to see! ?? Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on March 10, 2021
I love this, Evelyn, and wish I could be in your class too. Love the colors you chose! Thanks for sharing! ?? Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on March 10, 2021
Wow, what a colorful piece of art! You must have done a lot of cutting. Is it abstract art or is there a story behind it? Love your art, Evelyn! Thanks again for sharing!
- Gramma Jan on March 10, 2021
Evelyn, This is a very interesting picture. Did you use markers and crayons? I'm very curious about all of the things you are showing in the picture. I think I see a head, mouth, neck, shoulders, cap, and eyes, but there is more and I would like to know about it. Maybe you can tell me more about it next time I see you Facetime. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 3, 2021
Evelyn, Wow! I bet you can guess why this is one of my VERY FAVORITE pieces of art that you have made! Who LOVES flowers? And who loves picking flowers with you? Me! I noticed how you made a picture of your hand holding a bouquet of flowers and the flowers all have such beautiful colors! They remind me of all of the things I love - Spring and tulips, Summer and flowers, the smell of tropical flowers in Florida and Hawaii, the flowers that I got from you for Valentine's Day, and I love you! I will need to get a copy of this piece of your artwork! Will you sign it for me when I do? That would make me smile. :>). Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on March 3, 2021
I love this,Ev! Love the beautiful flowers and the colors You chose. Reminds me that spring is almost here. Soon I’ll be riding my bike behind Creek Valley. I think that’s your hand holding the flowers! ?? Gramma Jan
- Jan on March 3, 2021
Omg, Evelyn, I want to know more about this! I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. So please let me know. ?? You! Gramma Jan
- Jan on February 26, 2021
Evelyn, This is the most amazing design on a matching winter camp and mittens. I absolutely LOVE your designs and colors! It reminds me of something I might buy in Norway. Maybe you could have someone actually knit or crochet a real cap and mittens using your pattern - that would be super cool. You are so creative and I'm so happy to be able to see you art creations. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on February 26, 2021
Love your hat and mittens, Evelyn - perfect for skiing or skating, your winter sports! Thanks for sharing! ?? Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on February 26, 2021
Love this, Evelyn! There’s so much to wonder about it. I think it might be Halloween and I see maybe a ladder or steps or maybe a sidewalk...I love the houses because of their detail. Sure wish I could sit next to you while you are creating these masterpieces because then you could tell me all about them. Miss you, honey.?? Gramma Jan
- Gramma Jan on November 11, 2020
With all the beautiful colors and shapes this must be a grand painting from a Princess Fairy's castle!
- Papa Dan on November 4, 2020
A happy purple snow bear, with very rainbow long hair!
- Papa Dan on November 4, 2020
Hi Evelyn! This is a cool water color with each rectangle or bos being a little bit different. What is in the center of each box? Let me guess: an egg? a rock? a cell? a piece of candy? a seashell? a baby fairy? baby unicorn? diamond ring? If I didn't guess, please send me a Marco Polo and tell me what I didn't notice. This is sure fun to be able to see your school artwork! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on November 4, 2020
Hi Evelyn! Thank you for sharing this cool picture! I can see that you printed some words on this one! You are getting sooooooo good at spelling and printing. I see the words Boo, No Fairys, and Real. It reminds me a little bit of that tag game we played at your house: run, hide, BOO, tag! :>). I love the houses, too. Who do they belong too? Let's facetime so you can tell me more about it! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on November 4, 2020
- Chris on November 4, 2020
Hi Evelyn! I’m guessing you drew this on Isabelle’s birthday?! I see both you and Isabelle are wearing purple. And there’s Lola too. I love balloons just like you. And I ?? seeing your artwork! Xxxxoooo Gramma Jan
- Jan on November 4, 2020
Another fun picture, Evelyn. The squares remind me of your last picture so I’m wondering if you’re learning more about Mondrian? Your picture looks like so much fun and I know you, just like the “squares”, love to play at the park! Thank your art teacher for sharing! Xxxooo Gramma Jan
- Jan on October 28, 2020
Hi Evelyn, Ballooons - wooo hooo! Is this you, Isabelle, and Lola? You are an expert at drawing balloons. You could teach me how you do that so well! I wonder if this is a party day? Thank you for sharing your art work. I LOVE seeing it! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on October 28, 2020
Evelyn, It is sooooo fun to see all of your artwork! This picture made me smile right away because I saw 6 people smiling and having so much fun! Are they on the monkey bars? Are they playing at your school or at a Park? I wonder if the person hanging upside down is you? You like to hang upside down on your play set at home, right? I would love for you to tell me what the black object is on the ground. Is it Daddy doing push-ups? :>). Do all of the people have names? Thank you for sharing! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on October 28, 2020
Evelyn, this is such a HAPPY picture! I love how you used circles and circles and circles to make a creature/person? Is that a frog down in the corner? And, of course I love your beautiful rainbow! I like how you add rainbows to a lot of your artwork! Maybe it will forever be your art signature. :>). One of these days, I would love for you to tell me about each of your art pictures! That would make me soooooo happy! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on October 24, 2020
Another fun drawing! I think I see a frog and a one-eyed monster (?) and a beautiful rainbow. So colorful! Keep having fun with your art, Evelyn...xxxooo Gramma Jan
- Jan on October 24, 2020
This is like the stained glass windows in a church or fancy railroad station! Very impressive!
- Papa Dan on October 24, 2020
Evelyn, You sure are making some very fun art this week! I love all of the different shapes I can see in this picture. The red, white, and blue reminds me of the flag of the United States, yellow and blue are the colors of the Swedish flag, and the yellow also makes me think of sunshine, which always makes me feel happy! You are getting to be an expert in staying inside the lines when you color. GREAT job! Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on October 24, 2020
Hi Evelyn - love this! Did you learn about Mondarin (correct me please if I didn’t spell it right!). Love everything about this - especially that you did it. You are an artist! Have fun in kindergarten! Xxxooo Gramma Jan
- Jan on October 24, 2020
Wow! I like the geometric pattern with primary colors. It reminds me of a Piet Mondrian painting!
- Chris on October 21, 2020
Very cool painting, Evelyn! The colors remind me of fairies, princesses, and fairytales. I'm excited to see more of your artwork.
- Chris on October 21, 2020
I love the primary colors you used!
- Tara (Mother) on October 21, 2020
Look at all those different lines! I love the “secret” lines in white.
- Tara (Mother) on October 21, 2020
Great colors, very beautiful!
- Papa Dan on October 21, 2020
Hi Evelyn - love this artwork! I love the colors and I think I see another fish! How did you blend the colors so nicely? Thanks for sharing this! I’m so happy your teacher does that. Xxxooo miss you! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on October 21, 2020
Evelyn, I LOVE the colors you used in this picture. Is part of it done with watercolors? I see a snail, whale, a cute little bird sitting on a wire, clouds, sun, water, and the top of a fairy castle wall. What do you see? It's cool how some of the colors mixed together. Thank you for sharing your artwork with all of us. See you soon. Love, Grandma Tracey & Papa Walt
- Grandma Tracey on October 21, 2020
What a great mix of colors and shapes. Awesome work! Love, Mom
- Tara (Mother) on October 19, 2020
Wow, that is some "seriously" :) great artwork Evelyn! Can't wait to see more!
- Papa Dan on October 14, 2020
Hi Evelyn, I love your sea scape! It’s so colorful and you even added plants just like I’ve seen in the ocean! Someday maybe we’ll see a seascape when we go snorkeling together! So glad I got to see your beautiful artwork! Love, Gramma Jan
- Jan on October 14, 2020
Evelyn, Thank you for sharing this beautiful artwork! I would love for you to tell me all about it. What I see is a rainbow fish, with some seaweed, bubbles, and two little friends. Do you have a story for this picture? I would LOVE to hear it, if you do. See you soon! Love, Grandma Tracey
- Grandma Tracey on October 14, 2020