Sebastian410's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Sebastian410's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! Most impressive work yet! Me encantan los colores y el contraste. Es uno de mis favoiritos!
-- Mama
- on May 11, 2011
Tan tan, You get better and better. I saw the astronaut and I thouht I was in the moon! Now I see this and I want to get my swim suit!
-- Papa
- on March 2, 2011
Snow is here again! Can't wait to see you on the slopes this year. This picture reminds me of the good times we've had on the mountain in the past...
-- Roberto
- on December 23, 2010
Super flower!!! Very very nice. Your paintings are better and better!
-- Papa
- on December 16, 2010
Nice work Tatan!
-- Papa
- on November 8, 2010
-- Enrique
- on November 8, 2010
wow!!! you keep getting better and better!!! This is great!!!
-- Papa
- on September 17, 2010
Wow, you keep getting better and better!!!!!
-- Papa
- on September 14, 2010
Sebastian, I love the new picture! It makes me miss seeing you guys a ton. Hope school is going well and we really like it when you post new pictures. XOXO Pam
-- Pamela
- on September 14, 2010
Sebastian, this is very nice!! I feel like I can touch the water and boats ;-) I like how you painted the balcony and the plants, but still left the view. It feels like I am there.
-- Papa
- on September 14, 2010
Sebastian esto esta padrisimo!!!! Lo tengo en mi telefono y lo veo todos los dias. Eres un artista extraordinario!!! Felicidades!!!
- on December 1, 2009
Wow Tatan!!!! I really like this. Congratulations!!!! Papa.
- on September 3, 2009
Wow Tatan!!! Que bonito cuadro. This is very nice. I love the bird, the makes me happy just by looking at it!!!! Papa.
- on May 19, 2009
Wow! Me encanta! Keep up with the great work! Who needs Picasso? :-)
- on April 16, 2009
Me encantan tus flores! Casi las puedo oler! En verdad que tienes arte por dentro! Sé cómo te gusta pintar, así que sigue explorando nuevas técnicas. En verdad es precioso lo que haces. Un beso, Mamá :-)
- on April 16, 2009
Wow what quality and sensibility!!! This is great work. I really like the forms on the black backround and the movment and energy that comes from different elemets that make up your this composition. I am very proud of your work Tatan ;-) Papa.
- on April 16, 2009
Querido Sebastian, tu abuela Dolores y Yo, estamos mas que orgullosos de tu trabajo. Estoy comprando unas tazas con algunas de tus pinturas,asi, todos los dias, al tomar mi cafecito, nos acordaremos de ti, nuestro querido nieto. Sigue pintando y explorando tus capacidades, con tiempo y trabajo se te dara el poder expresarte y comunicarte en la forma que solo a los artistas les es concedido. Privilegio extraordinario. Preguntale a tu abuela materna lo que ha significado para ella,su talento y sensibilidad , desarrollados con tiempo y paciencia en sus trabajos artisticos. Abril 2009. Dolores y Enrique.
- on April 16, 2009
Very nice work Sebastian! You keep getting better and better. Saludos, Papa.
- on February 18, 2009
Sebastian, This is beautiful!!!! I can almost smell the flowers and the same time this is more than just flowers. It is happiness, it is sunshine, it is like a hug, the best present in the world. Papa.
- on January 13, 2009
Sebastian this looks like your ski trip last year!! We love looks great. We miss you a lot and we really like seeing all of your great art work. XOXO Pam
- on November 10, 2008
Sebastian, que bonito cuadro! Me gusta mucho como pintaste a la famila. Se ve que sabes del ski y que te gusta mucho, pero ademas que eres un gran artista, que con cada cuadro nos das una gran alegria. ;-)
- on November 7, 2008
Sebastian, your work keeps getting better and better! I like the colors, the forms and how you can look at it several times and always find something new and different. Saludos, Papa.
- on November 3, 2008
This looks really nice !!!! Great talent ! Congratulations from Brazil !
Ruggeiro & Dani
- on October 22, 2008
Excelente, te ves perfecto, este autoretrato expresa tu optimismo y tu gran participacion en todo lo que haces. E.R. (Abuelo)
- on October 15, 2008
Hermoso, expresivo, gran drama en el color, con balance y ritmo. Una real OBRA DE ARTE. Felicidades Sebastian. Ya estoy registrado en tu "Fan-Club". E.R. ( El Abuelo)
- on October 15, 2008
Wow!!! this is very very nice. Congratulations, I am very proud of you. Dad ;-)
- on October 15, 2008
Awesome!!! This is very nice!!! I like it a lot!!! I want to see more ;-) Dad.
- on October 2, 2008
Te ves guapisimo! Me encanta tu sonrisa!
- on September 25, 2008