Sadie9106's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Sadie9106's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Sadie! This just makes us smile! So good and colorful and makes us think of a great summer to come! Keep it up! Grandp and Grammy.
- Vicki on August 7, 2024
Nice looking picture Sadie. Looks like you are all ready for summer. great job.
- Tony on August 7, 2024
Great looking picture of the moon. I like the way you shaded everything in. Keep up the good work.
- tony on April 17, 2024
Great job Sadie! Love the colors! It was so cool watching the eclipse with you! Keep up the great work! Love you! Grandpa and Grammy
- Grammy on April 16, 2024
Love the colors Sadie!
- Aunt Megan on April 11, 2024
Great work Sadie. Make sure you wear the special glasses mom got for you.
- Tony on April 11, 2024
Nice Job on the family of penguins, you have to tell me their names.
- Tony on February 28, 2024
I love your penguin family and how cute you drew yourself.. my little dew drop!
- Sarah (Mother) on February 24, 2024
What a happy looking penguin family! This is so adorable! Great job Sadie! Grandpa and Grammy!
- Vicki on February 28, 2024
Good job buddy .
- Ahmed on February 28, 2024
Very nice picture, look at all the beautiful colors you used to make that.
- Tony on February 28, 2024
You’ve always been such a great colorer! Love the tree too! What fun! Good job! Grandpa and Grammy
- Vicki on February 8, 2024
Sadie! We love the pumpkin and the colored fallen leaves! You are getting to be quite the artist! So proud of you! Keep up the great work! We love you! Grandpa and Grammy
- Vicki on February 8, 2024
Looks like a great big pumpkin great job.
- Tony on February 8, 2024
You are super duper creative! Love it!
- Sarah (Mother) on February 5, 2024
Love it! Happy snowman making!
- Sarah (Mother) on February 5, 2024
I love homemade Christmas ornaments… especially from you!
- Sarah (Mother) on February 5, 2024
Great job there Sadie I love apples!
- Ahmed on January 30, 2024
Great job Sadie! That just puts us in the Christmas spirit! Thanks! Love Grandpa and Grammy
- Vicki on January 25, 2024
Good job Sadie, keep up the good work.
- Tony on January 25, 2024
Cool name! Great job on your first kindergarten artwork!!
- Sarah (Mother) on November 5, 2023
Love the apple and I especially love that worms happy face!!! Great job!
- Sarah (Mother) on November 5, 2023
Wow! Sadie, that is great scissor work!!! Your apple looks delicious! It makes me want to eat it except for the worm! Great job Sadie!!! Love, Grandpa and Grammy
- Grammy (Vicki) on November 5, 2023
Good job with that worm coming out of the apple. I like it.
- Tony on November 5, 2023
Nice job Sadie, all the colors in the rainbow
- Tony on October 6, 2023
Great job Sadie! Another artist in the family! I love how colorful you made your name!
- Grammy and Grandpa on September 29, 2023