Emerson5780's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Emerson5780's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is my favorite one so far!!
- Lauren (Mother) on April 20, 2024
Love your Flowers Emerson, also love your choice of colors for the whole picture!
- Nana And Papa on April 19, 2024
Love your Flowers Emerson, also love your choice of colors for the whole picture!
- Nana And Papa on April 19, 2024
Hi Emerson! I think this painting is wild! I love it!
- Aunty Jo on April 19, 2024
Awesome Emie! Love it!
- Nana And Papa on April 17, 2024
Love your artwork Emerson! Did you use your hands for the Antlers? Either way, love them and love this drawing.
- Nana And Papa on April 10, 2024
I can't wait to visit the museum to see the artists work that inspired this one!
- Lauren (Mother) on April 8, 2024
This one is my favorite so far!
- Lauren (Mother) on April 2, 2024
So far, I love the artwork.
- Jo on March 27, 2024