What a great frosty wintry picture, Liam. Great work! Love NeeNee and BaPa.
- Neenee on January 1, 2025
Liam!! We like your block tower. The blue block must be very strong to hold up the top of the tower! ??????????
- Neenee And Bapa on October 17, 2024
We LOVE this newest piece of art. The details are just perfect. We always are so proud of the great work you do! And we love you lots and lots!!
- Neenee &BaPa on May 14, 2024
Dear Liam: we LOVE your latest piece of art. Your baby chick looks ready to peck around and find a big! We especially like the blue bow at the top of the broken egg! And we love you! Neenee and Bapa
- Neenee and Bapa on April 24, 2024
What a beautiful Christmas tree Liam! You are a great artist.
- Bapa on December 6, 2023
Dear Liam: we love your great art work! Your autumn pumpkin piece is super!! Keep drawing, and painting, and coloring, and writing and dancing!! ??NeeNee and Bapa
- NeeNee and BaPa on November 29, 2023
Liam! I love this beautiful watercolor piece. I am so proud of all your special work! Love, NeeNee
- Neenee on September 20, 2023
I am so proud of your beautiful art work! Love from your NeeNee