What great artwork! The colors are gorgeous. I just love it! Aunt Michelle -- Michelle
- on February 19, 2010
Nice job Bubby. Looks lke it's time for me to get another T-Shirt. Great Job! Love you lots, Love mommy -- Erin
- on February 9, 2010
That is gorgeous! I just love it and you too! Michelle -- Michelle
- on February 9, 2010
You do the BEST work! I am so proud of you. Love you - Aunt Shell
- on October 17, 2009
This one is really cool too! I love the fact that it has colors! Great job!!! Love, Mom
- on October 12, 2009
That is really cool. The paper is even sitting in a way that it looks like it's a rock wall. Great job bubby! Love, Mom
- on October 12, 2009
This picture is way cool!! I love it. Love, Mom
- on October 12, 2009
I love all of the colors you used. Very nice work! Love, Mom
- on October 12, 2009
You did great bubby. Daddy and I really love your work! Love, Mom & Dad
- on October 12, 2009
I think this ceramic fish is very nice. I like it even better that it has a magnet and we can put it on the refridgerator. You did a great job, keep up the great work bubby. Love, Mommy
- on May 17, 2009
This fishy picture is very good. Keep up the good work baby. Love, Mommy
- on May 17, 2009
I love your fishy Mikey. You did a great job! Love, Mommy
- on May 17, 2009
You did a great job once again bubby. I love the lady bugs. Your Grandma Bailey used to call me lady bug. Love you lots, love Mommy
- on March 31, 2009
I love these bugs. You did such a great job! Keep up the good work! Love you lots - Aunt Shell
- on March 27, 2009
Hey Bubby! Nice job! You did such a great job, like you always do! Mommy is very proud of you. Keep up the good work! Love, Mommy
- on January 16, 2009
You go guy! What a beautiful picture. I just love it so much that I ordered a coffee mug with this picture on it. Keep up the great work! I love you - Aunt Michelle
- on January 16, 2009
Great Job Bubby! You always do such a great job on your art work! I Love It, and you too! Love, Mom
- on December 17, 2008
What a great Santa. I just love it and you too! Love you - Aunt Shell
- on December 17, 2008
What a big and pretty turkey! He is sooo cute! So are you Bubby! Keep up the great work! Love, Mom
- on November 24, 2008
The 3 blind mice! Very cute! Keep up the great work Bubby! Love, Mom
- on November 24, 2008
You go guy! What great work! I love you - Shell
- on December 17, 2008
Nice job! I know you were very excited about making the spider and spider web, and you were excited also about Halloween. You did a great job! Love, Mom
- on November 24, 2008
Great job Mikey! What a pretty picture! And very pretty colors. Keep up the good work. Love, MOM
- on November 24, 2008
What a pretty flower. You did a great job Bubby! Love, Mom