Hi Alex, I love your paper weaving. The colors and patterns are so pretty. Love, Gram
- on February 24, 2009
I wonder if there's a Jared box under that tree like every year...... You'll just have to wait and see.... Tio Graaag
- on November 4, 2008
Cool colors! -Tio Graag
- on November 4, 2008
OMG! This looks JUST like YOU! But, where's the tiara?????
- on October 14, 2008
I can see you are getting excited for Christmas already. I like all the stars and the tall Christmas tree. Great job - Big Michael
- on October 11, 2008
wow Alex, That is one terrific picture. You are very artistic. I love you. Gram
- on October 10, 2008
To my Angel,that is the best drawing of my angel,its just GGGGGGrrreat. you did such a fine job.IIIIIIIII Loveeeeeeeeee you very much Grand Pa.
- on October 9, 2008
It looks like home. Great color combinations. Love you always. Mommy
- on October 5, 2008
This is a beautiful portrait!! You are a wonderful artist. This picture is definitely going on our wall!!!! Mommy
- on October 5, 2008
TO MY ANGEL(the little artist) Alex I see different things your picture could be if you wish.I can see a tree,a sea animal,a telephone pole,a flying insect,a xmas tree light for car racing,how about that does grandpa have a good eye love you keep your pictures coming.
- on September 21, 2008
I love the texture of your tree. You did a great job. Mommy
- on September 19, 2008
Great skyscraper! I would love to be in it to see those beautiful clouds and rainbow!! Mommy
- on September 20, 2008
TRIPPY!!!!! Yet elegant.... - Tio Greg
- on September 19, 2008
That looks like a bird! Does it fly around? I love it! - Tio Greg
- on September 19, 2008
Is that your mama's pillow case? I bet she Loooves it! - Tio Greg
- on September 19, 2008
How do you do it??? - Tio Greg
- on September 19, 2008
Now this one is REALLY cool! Tio Greg
- on September 19, 2008
WOW!!!!! This one is colorful! I like the clouds!
- on September 19, 2008
Hey Alex, saw your picture. Really liked it. You did some fancy work there on the letters. I like the colors too. Big Michael
- on September 4, 2008
It's beautiful Princess Alex!
- on September 4, 2008
It is beautiful!! I love the colors you used and all those wonderful circles!!! Love you baby.
- on September 3, 2008
Hi Alex - I just looked at your picture. It looks awesome. I will print it up and hang it up in my office. Super good job. Keep making more pictures. Big Michael