Adalynn2235's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Adalynn2235's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This piece invokes powerful feelings of peace. "Happy Fall Y'all" is classic Adalynn at her finest. Several beautiful colors pay homage to this dramatic atmospheric display - demonstrating a labor intensive focus of brush and color work. With humanlike quality the gentle structure in the center reaches down towards the colors as if to display a mother's love. Truly a work of art
- John(fan) on November 3, 2023
Beautiful work! I love the vibrant blend of colors and the way each piece tells it's own story. You're a Picasso in the making!!
- John on November 1, 2023
You're so creative! I love you kiddo keep up the beautiful works!!
- John on October 3, 2023