Eleanor6088's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Eleanor6088's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Amazing work
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
Love it
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
Good job
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
I love this!! It will always be on display at my home.
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
Very good work ellie!!
- Alesia on March 27, 2024
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Aww so cute
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023
So pretty
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Very cool
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Good job
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023
This is my favorite!!
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Love it great job
- Alesia (Mother) on October 18, 2023