Love these colors choices and varied brush strokes. By the way, it looks like it's looking at me! :)
- Dad on December 11, 2023
I love your use of color in these recent pieces. Your special perspective creates a feeling of emotional texture and depth.
- Dad on December 11, 2023
She is doing a fabulous job on this piece. Now that she has added color, it is taking on a whole new look! I can't wait to see the end result!
- Shoshana (teacher at Tessellations) on November 8, 2023
I didn't know that we could comment on the artwork until now. I remember seeing this piece at Open House and liked how viewing it took me to another world. I see a moon, a planet, and a four-legged animal, in addition to the sky and terrain. I feel like this could be a still shot from an animated film or even an image in a graphic novel!