i think this is a really cool picture i like your use of color! -- victoria
- on March 26, 2010
I like the visual texture -- noah
- on March 26, 2010
i like how this picture pops out at you. it has fantastic meaning and value. -- mariah
- on March 26, 2010
very good use of line and value. -- mariah
- on March 26, 2010
i like the way it catches your eye. good job!
- on December 29, 2009
Very nice drawing very colorful.
- on September 1, 2009
i like the color and texture to this picture. wonderful job
- on September 1, 2009
your line work looks nice and the color
- on September 1, 2009
its awsome
- on September 1, 2009
i like how you made it loook like an illusion.
- on September 1, 2009
wow this is awesome
- on September 1, 2009
Thats different but i like it
- on September 1, 2009
Your work is very impressive. This is one of my favorites.
- on May 4, 2009
all i got to say is DAT IS AWESOME!
- on April 30, 2009
Ow--I feel like I should be wearing safety glasses.
- on April 30, 2009
good usage of color and shape. not many can pull off a native american drawing great job
- on April 30, 2009
Ooh, Pretty... Blues and Purples really go together in this picture.
- on April 30, 2009
Wow Zoe. Why don't you ever let me go through your work?? You're super good. The shading of your hair... ~H
- on April 30, 2009
Wow! I love the self-portraits! And everything else! It's been a while since I've properly looked at all your stuffs! And it's really awesome! ^^
- on January 30, 2009
WOW! Zoe this is awesome! It looks just like you!
- on January 30, 2009
Zoe, Your work is so intricate and beautiful...can't wait to see it in real life....great job. Mrs. A
- on January 17, 2009
So many subtle surprises as I study this piece! I think this photo shows it to its best advantage. Good job of adding the black "ribbons" to keep our eye moving and anchor the geometric origami shape. Very interesting way to incorporate the text. Lots of thought, which I have come to expect from you:) Glad to have you in class, Zoe! Ms. S.
- on January 17, 2009
I love the color of the leaves and the background together it looks great!!!
- on January 17, 2009
I love this!!! It is awesome!!! It looks so realistic!!!
- on January 17, 2009
I LOVE the color and texture of this. It's absolutely beautiful!!
- on October 25, 2008
i love the colors!!!
- on October 1, 2008
This is a very beautiful drawing...and so are you Love, Nathan
- on September 30, 2008
Zoe, the contast is amazing, and i really think that you know what you are doing.
- on September 29, 2008
Hey Zoe. Your picture is really good. The shading is nice and so is the lines and the shape of the face. Good job!
- on September 29, 2008
I really like the form this artwork takes. It has an interesting blend of color and is balanced very well.
- on September 29, 2008
This is really intresting and colorful and nice.
- on September 29, 2008
Omg how cool! :D how do you make things lik that its soo good!
- on September 29, 2008
love the colors...nice job.
- on September 29, 2008
i really luv yur art work and have good texture and shape size and the color is really awsome.good work.
- on September 29, 2008
i luv the shapes and lines yu have goood texture and good color and good harmony
- on September 29, 2008
i like the texture of this picture
- on September 29, 2008
i like the color and contrast you used
- on September 29, 2008
Love the desine and rythem GREAT work!!!! ^-^ XD
- on September 29, 2008
i like the movement and color that you used
- on September 29, 2008
This might be a good one for competitions, also.
- on September 19, 2008
Zoe, you might think about getting this printed at Kinko's or WalMart 8x10, and using it for Scholastic. Also, the Pryor art show is coming up with a deadline of next Friday..... good work!
- on September 19, 2008
wow,zoe,YOU did this! thats amazing! way to go-rachel(you better remember me...or else^^)
- on September 19, 2008
I love how the yellow hues show the contrast between the rest and the ripples. It's all twisty... and ripply!
- on September 16, 2008
This almost looks like shattered glass... gives a whole new meaning to looking at the world through rose-colored glasses!
- on September 15, 2008
This one is my favorite Zoe!
- on September 15, 2008
This is a really nice fractal. It's got the look of a galaxy far off... The proportions and rhythm work together, as do the ethereal colors. The unity's there as well, including so many other things I could keep going off on! Basically, it's really cool!
- on September 16, 2008
this looks like a picture of a baby in an ultasound image. Its absolutly breath taking
- on September 15, 2008
It almost looks like a sparking circuitboard. Really cool, and the rhythm is nice.
- on September 15, 2008
I like the color of the work. Its amazing.
- on September 15, 2008
The balance is really nice, and the colors contrast really well. Almost what I'd call a cotton candy balance!
- on September 16, 2008
this lovely scene of beauty is very green! It makes my heart melt.
- on September 15, 2008
I really like this drawing! I love the colors that you used and the patterns around the main part. It looks amazing!