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Hunter2181's Comments
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Below are comments about Hunter2181's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the detail and colors!
-- Cheryl
- on October 21, 2015
Love the texture and shape! Looks life like!
-- Granny
- on October 15, 2015
What a WISE choice you made drawing this! Good job! -Mom
- on September 17, 2015
This pic makes me smile! Great job son! -Mom
- on September 17, 2015
This beautiful pic is one of my favorites. Proud of you-- -Mom
- on September 17, 2015
I should have guessed you would draw this- it's one of your faves! -Mom
- on September 17, 2015
I can tell you worked hard on this, Lots of detail! -Mom
- on September 17, 2015
Drawing an Owl was a WISE choice! Great job!
- on September 17, 2015
You did an awesome job drawing Ronald McDonald!
- on September 17, 2015
This pic is one of my faves! Good job son!
- on September 17, 2015
I am not surprised you picked pizza, it's your favorite!
- on September 17, 2015
I can tell you worked hard on this, lots of detail! You are a great artist!
- on September 17, 2015
This looks like a magnificent awesome castle! You are quite an artist!
-- Granny
- on September 17, 2015
Nice job Hunter!! I want to go to those mountains!!
-- Amber
- on August 25, 2015
This is amazing work Hunter!!Your quite the artist!
-- Amber
- on August 25, 2015
Wow! You are VERY talented, Hunter! Everything looks so nice. Great job!
-- Mandi B
- on August 25, 2015
Good job Hunter. Looks like you got Grandmas artistic gift. Keep up the good drawing.
-- Tracey
- on August 25, 2015
This is awesome! Very detailed!
-- Granny
- on August 25, 2015
Great art work! Carrying on Burns family tradition with your artwork!
-- Bradley Burns
- on August 25, 2015
This looks edible! Great job Hunter!
-- Uncle Brandon
- on August 25, 2015