I really enjoy seeing your art projects, Graham! It looks like you put a lot of time, thought, and patience in each of your drawings. Keep up the good work!!
- Gramma on February 26, 2025
This is pretty cool! You are learning so much in your art class. I love all the colors, textures, and shapes. You have a great imagination!!
- Gramma on February 26, 2025
I LOVE this one!! You blended the primary colors so well! I think this is your best piece yet!!
- Gramma on February 26, 2025
I love your abstract artwork!! The colors are so cool together! You are quite the artist!!
- Gramma on February 26, 2025
Wow, Graham! That looks like you had a lot of fun creating your robot!! I can’t wait to find out what chore you don’t like that your robot will do for you now.
- Love, Gramma on March 6, 2024
This is your best one yet!! It makes me smile every time I look at it!!
- Gramma on November 15, 2023
I don't know how you do it, Graham!! I can see lots of stories in your drawing and I can hear you telling me the story. I love when you add the paint! Too cool!!
- Gramma on October 11, 2023
You really put a lot of time into this one! Looks like a good story you are telling! Love the colors again. You have a lot of talent!