Daniel48346's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Daniel48346's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW! That is a beautiful Butterfly - I love the heart for his head!
- Grandma Sue on May 15, 2024
Very awesome self portrait DJ!!
- Grandma Sue on May 15, 2024
Love this castle! I can tell you took your time on this! Good Job DJ!!!
- Grandma on May 8, 2024
I just cant believe how talented you are buddy! This is amazing!!!!
- Grandma Sue on April 24, 2024
Very creative DJ! Nice work!
- Sue on April 24, 2024
This is one of my favorites DJ! If only we could hear them all chirping :) Good Job Buddy!!!!
- Grandma Sue on January 25, 2024
A Cardinal! My Favorite Bird, Love this DJ! Great Job!
- Grandma Sue on January 24, 2024
Love this turtle DJ! He looks like he is smiling so he must like the colors you chose too :)
- Grandma Sue on January 24, 2024
Wow Buddy! This is really nice work! love the colors and the stitch work! Good Job!
- Grandma Sue on November 22, 2023
Great work DJ! Keep it up, makes my day seeing these! Miss you! Love, Uncle Jeff
- Uncle Jeff on October 25, 2023
Great pumpkin picture! And I LOVE the stars! good job bud!
- Katina (Mother) on October 24, 2023
DJ! What a perfect pumpkin sitting on the grass with the blue sky with clouds! You are amazing! Great Job!!
- Grandma on October 24, 2023
Wow DJ! I think we have an artist in the family! They are both so beautiful! - Good Job!
- Grandma on October 18, 2023
Good work bud!!! lots of detail, very nice!
- Katina (Mother) on September 28, 2023
I love this!! Great job DJ!!! - Love mom
- Katina (Mother) on September 27, 2023