Aria5561's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Aria5561's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This bridge is so pretty, and I absolutely love the water lillies!!
- Bethany (Mother) on September 25, 2024 NEW
I LOVE these crayons Aria!!! So cute!?? Great job!
- Bethany (Mother) on September 25, 2024 NEW
Wow Aria!! This is so good. You are such an incredible artist!!
- Dad on September 25, 2024 NEW
Aria I love this bridge with all the pretty flowers!
- Mimi on September 25, 2024 NEW
This is a really cool shamrock painting! The black and white striped border really makes the shamrock and rainbow colors stand out!
- Bethany (Mother) on April 9, 2024
Aria, I love this sun painting and all the bright colored rays stretching out! I especially love the glitter and polka dots!! Great job!
- Bethany (Mother) on April 9, 2024
I just loved this little snowflake ornament! It looked so pretty in our tree! Keep up the good work Aria!
- Bethany (Mother) on January 31, 2024
These little hearts are so cute and colorful! You’re getting better and better at drawing hearts! Good job!
- Bethany (Mother) on January 31, 2024
Is this a picture of you? I love the colorful beanie hat you’re wearing!!
- Bethany (Mother) on January 31, 2024
What cute little lady bugs Aria! I love them!
- Bethany (Mother) on January 31, 2024
How cute!! Such colorful little ?? ??????????
- Bethany on January 11, 2024
Oh my goodness!! Your turkey is AMAZING!!! It looks so real! Love this Aria
- Bethany (Mother) on December 6, 2023
I love this landscape painting Aria! Look at all the pretty colors!
- Bethany (Mother) on December 6, 2023
I can’t believe you painted a peppermint!! I love it!
- Bethany (Mother) on December 6, 2023
Aria I love your peppermint picture. So pretty!!!
- Melody on December 6, 2023
The squiggly lines make your rainbow look super cool Aria! Love it!
- Bethany (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Love the polka dot Vase, and the butterflies and hearts in the sky??
- Bethany (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Oh my goodness! I LOVE your Owl Aria!! So pretty!
- Bethany (Mother) on October 18, 2023
What a cool owl Aria! It reminds me of the one that lived in your backyard! I love it!
- Roxanne(fan) on October 18, 2023
Great job Aria, I love all the colors
- Melody on September 20, 2023
Great job, I love how colorful it is just like you ??
- Melody on September 20, 2023
Aria, I love your rainbow and I love all of the stars all around it! It’s beautiful just like you!
- Aunt Roxanne on September 20, 2023