Hope6177's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Hope6177's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Gaga on April 3, 2024
Good job Hope. Makes me want to go back!
- Gaga on April 3, 2024
So beautiful! Love you!
- Kelli "maga" Ackerman on March 31, 2024
So beautiful, Hope! The colors are amazing!
- Maga on March 14, 2024
Great Job Hope!
- Gaga on February 28, 2024
I love your Alexander Hamilton fish, Hope :)
- Elizabeth (Mother) on February 12, 2024
Love your fun 2024 art, Hope!
- Elizabeth (Mother) on January 19, 2024
LOVE IT! my fav write is the alien doughnut.
- Gaga on January 19, 2024
oh my, Hope! Very creative- lots going on here :) :)
- Elizabeth (Mother) on December 18, 2023
i love your inspiration
- gaga on December 18, 2023
These are lovely, Hope! Love the colors you chose.
- Elizabeth (Mother) on November 22, 2023
Beautiful Hope!
- Gaga on November 22, 2023
Such a fun balloon dog! Really like the colors!
- Maga on November 1, 2023
Hope, this is so cool! I look forward to learning about the techniques you used to create this.
- Elizabeth (Mother) on October 30, 2023
Well done, Hope! It does look just like a balloon dog :-)
- Gaga on October 30, 2023
I love this artwork, Hope! Beautiful - like you :)
- Elizabeth (Mother) on October 2, 2023
So beautiful! Love, Grandma
- Kelli "maga" Ackerman on October 4, 2023
I agree Hope, this does show your personality. It is lovely.
- Gaga on October 4, 2023
The smiley faces make me happy! Love, Gaga
- Diane on September 20, 2023
Beautiful, Hope! I love your artwork! Love, Mom
- Elizabeth (Mother) on September 5, 2023