Sara13098's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Sara13098's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks very interesting. I like the look of mixed textures and colors.
- Aunt Amy on June 5, 2024
I love the way the flowers "pop" off the page!
- Aunt Amy on June 5, 2024
I love the beautiful tree that you drew. The jewels on it makes it sparkle. I also love the bird in the tree. Grandma
- Renee on February 28, 2024
This is a beautiful artwork. Great Job Sara!
- Harris (saras Brother)(fan) on January 10, 2024
This artwork is beautiful! Great job, Sara
- Harris (Sara’s Brother) on January 10, 2024
This looks like a fun place to live :)
- Amy on November 12, 2023
Amazing art Sara. Love this. Keep up the great work. ??????myrnw
- Myrna on October 10, 2023
Great job Sara. This is a beautiful flower with lots of colors.
- Harris on October 4, 2023
I love the way the bright colors pop off the page! (Especially the pink) I felt like I could step inside a tunnel to a special place.
- Amy on October 4, 2023
Nice shape and colors
- Grandpa on September 27, 2023
nice shapcolors
- Grandpa & Mana on September 27, 2023
The colors are very vibrant!
- Aunt Amy on September 14, 2023
This is very good. It looks like it was created by a much older artist. i like the different brush strokes.
- Grandpa & Mana(fan) on September 14, 2023
This is very good. It looks like it was created by a much older artist. i like the different brush strokes.
- Grandpa & Mana(fan) on September 11, 2023
Sara, I see that in your self-portrait you look very happy (big smile) and you are full of love. (Lots of hearts) I really like it, especially the lovely long eyelashes.
- Aunt Amy on September 6, 2023
Great job Sara :)
- Harris on September 6, 2023
This is beautiful blue person with a lot of hearts. Drawn by a beautiful girl.
- Renee on August 31, 2023