Khaiheir1's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Khaiheir1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh Khaiheir, you've really done it now! This is my new fav., the puppy is so cute and its face is perfect. When I look into its eyes, I can feel its emotions. This is by far one of the greatest pieces of art that you have created. Please keep up the outstanding job; I am so very proud of you.
- Krystal (Mother) on March 12, 2025 NEW
Khaiheir, you really have an eye for art. Each of the mice display a different character. The primary colors add a bold accent to your presentation. Thank you for sharing your art with the world.
- Krystal (Mother) on June 5, 2024
Khaiheir, this tiger is beautiful. I love the bright colors and effort you put forth to emphasize on the the facial features. I cannot wait to add this to my note card collection, I am your #1 fan.
- Krystal (Mother) on April 17, 2024
Khaiheir, I applaud you for another grand masterpiece. I see your passion for detail on each flower pedal. The color scheme places my mindset into Spring and Summer. At times it resembles a pinwheel blowing in the wind. It is bright, vibrant, and delightful to look at all times of the day. This is indeed a true "must have," thank you for allowing the world to enjoy your beautiful talent. Xoxo from your #1 Fan.
- Krystal Ewing on March 27, 2024
Khaiheir, congratations on your amazing art work! You are definitely caring out the Family gift I am very impressed with your art and the detail in your drawings keep up the good work great-nephew! We love you ?? Aunt Nan & Uncle Greg
- Nan on December 13, 2023
Khaiheir, you continue to surprise me with your marvelous artwork. Your penguin has an adorable confident and big personality. Your drawing takes my mind to wonderous places and that is why I look forward to your new releases of artwork. Each piece of detail was freehandedly drafted and placed exactly where it was supposed to be. The penguin's face is lovable, it has the cutest little eyes, the orange beak, the flippers, and the broad and confident chest with the tiny feet. I could not hold back from investing in another piece of your work that I know will last a lifetime and be worth millions someday. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.
- Krystal (Mother) on December 7, 2023
This pumpkin is autumn-tastic! ??it brings me much joy!
- Titi(fan) on November 22, 2023
Wow Khaiheir! Your art work is breathtaking. I’m very proud to be privileged to experience it. This art will be in museums one day; I can just see it????Keep up the great work little Picasso??
- Titi on November 22, 2023
Khaiheir's artwork is stunning and leaves me speechless; in one word I would have to superfabulisticmagnifico
- Darrell Ewing(fan) on November 18, 2023
Khaiheir, this is a unique masterpiece that can spark a lot of conversation. I love the array of colors. At times it looks as though the sun has legs and is standing on an island. When I look again, I can see the sun surfing on the waves. As they say, "The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." I have invested in a piece of this artwork, and I agree that there is beauty in your work from every angle. I hope that you continue to be encouraged to continue your artistic skill because I think you are brilliant.
- Krystal (Mother) on November 15, 2023
Dear Khaiheir your artwork is simply amazing; it is phenomenal. I find your pumpkin to be mesmerizing and magical. It is quite enchanting and invigorating. I look forward to more of your creative masterpieces, keep up the good work.
- Krystal (Mother) on November 15, 2023