Sarah35854's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Sarah35854's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like this picture. You did a good job. Happy to see you happy doing art.
- Emma on August 28, 2024
Very good picture. you captured what you were taught and did a great job. Love big cats.
- Emma on December 6, 2023
Very impressive!
- Lisa (Mother) on November 28, 2023
You are showing that you are learning from your class.
- Nana on November 15, 2023
Great work.
- Nana on November 15, 2023
I love the shading!
- Lisa (Mother) on November 7, 2023
Good work.
- Nana on November 7, 2023
Is this you after all your homework is done. Good picture.
- Nana on November 7, 2023
This is my favorite so far. A lot of movement in this picture
- Nana on November 7, 2023
Good work.
- Nana on November 7, 2023
My favorite so far.
- Nana on November 7, 2023
Is this a self portrait?
- Nana on November 7, 2023
Good work Sarah. Looking forward to seeing more.
- Nana on November 7, 2023
This is so you! Very creative...great job!
- Lisa (Mother) on October 3, 2023
I love all the words that describe you. I think the shapes and colors are great!
- Lisa (Mother) on October 3, 2023
Sarah, I love this coffee landscape art you did! It looks like rushing water through the mountains. Great job!
- Lisa (Mother) on October 3, 2023