This is Awesome! I love the way you express your emotions in your art. Such a positive way to express yourself. Love you keep up the good work!
- Breck (Father) on February 8, 2024
What a colorful heart! I love it! You are Awesome!
- Dad on January 17, 2024
That is soooo cute! Keep up the good work Emmy! I love you so much!
- Breck (Father) on December 9, 2023
Love this Emmy! Your art work is incredible and always brings a smile to my face and puts joy in my heart. I am very proud of you and love you very much!
- Breck (Father) on December 1, 2023
Emmy, your art work is awesome just like you! Love mom
- Becky (Mother) on December 4, 2023
Super Cool! Your artistic ability is phenomenal. You will be a very successful artist one day and who knew Llamas were so important. Love it!
- Breck on September 21, 2023
Now that’s a super cool Owl by a super sweet girl! I love it Emmy but not even close to how much I love you ??