Lucas29438's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Lucas29438's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Bravo Lucas, está hermoso
- Pablo on January 17, 2024
This Medusa is actually pretty scary!! Great job!
- Oscar (Father) on November 14, 2023
Roman helmet!! I love it!!
- Oscar (Father) on November 14, 2023
Oye ese me gusta más, está mas definida la idea
- Pablo on September 19, 2023
Really this is beautiful and excellent work!!. I like it so much !
- Laura(fan) on September 18, 2023
I absolutely love this one!!
- Oscar (Father) on September 15, 2023
Is a very good job, a like the combination of colors. He has talent. Congratulations.
- Laura on September 14, 2023
Wow!! There's real talent here!!
- Oscar (Father) on September 13, 2023