Samantha35238's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Samantha35238's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow. Reminds me of the sunset at revere beach. Well done. I like the white dashes in the water. It adds movement. Keep it up Sammy.
- Jennifer on October 17, 2023
love the colors you used
- eliza on June 14, 2023
Great colors,they really pop!!
- Jennifer on June 6, 2023
Giving total Bob Ross vibes!!!! Love the color choice.
- Jennifer on June 6, 2023
I can see your love for plants in the work. You are the intricate vine. I can’t wait to see more of your work.
- Jennifer on June 6, 2023
Wow. I’m so impressed. The texture on the nuggets is well done. And the burger bun wrinkled was such creative addition.
- Jennifer on June 6, 2023