Conor2322's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Conor2322's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like the Donuts! Especially the green one for St. Patrick's Day!!
- Joseph (Father) on March 14, 2024
Fantastic job on this. Big building and house. Another one with so much going on it. Like the people in it.
- Joseph (Father) on February 15, 2024
I would definitely live here!!
- Joseph (Father) on February 15, 2024
Very good!! Lots of's your favorite color!!
- Joseph (Father) on February 15, 2024
I really like this one!! Very interesting work and so much going on in this artwork.
- Joseph (Father) on February 15, 2024
Great painting! Colors came together perfectly!
- Joseph (Father) on February 15, 2024
It looks fantastic!!
- Joseph (Father) on September 19, 2023