lola3651's Comments (56)

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Below are comments about lola3651's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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1What a cutie! Love the little pink tongue! Very charming piece, Lola. Love, Meme'
- Meme' on June 12, 2024
Lola, I am about floored with this delightfult portrait of the twins! I agree that it is an excellent likeness of Milo - and an equally charming likeness of Lola! Wowie! You are becoming an accomplished artist. Your great-grandmother on Opa's side was a portraitist most of her adult life, and this reflects that talent is heritable, I think. Really excellent work. Love, Meme'
- Meme' on May 22, 2024
Yes it looks exactly like you and Milo. What a treasure. Your work is amazing Lola
- Dee on May 22, 2024
Holy cats, Lola~ this is a superb portrait of both of you! I am bowled right over at how good this is, no joke! You are seriously gifted, Kiddo! Love, Meme'
- Meme' on May 22, 2024
Oh my Lola this is so special. I’ve never done anything like this. What a challenge it must have been and what a treasure you created. Well done.
- Dee on May 15, 2024
Lola, this is just charming. The colors are soft and serene, and the fox is so well-made! Good job, particularly in a new medium. Love, Meme'
- Meme' on May 15, 2024
I love the mice hanging from the branch. A little touch of Charles Addams.
- Wendy on April 9, 2024
I have been gifted with two of your creations and as a former Art teacher, I think you have a lot of talent. Keep at it and have fun.
- Wendy on April 9, 2024
Lola is our granddaughter and we are biased toward her work, but if we did not know that it was her work we still would objectively say the same thing: "Wow, that is a true piece of art that shows the developing quality of her work." I am not surprised, but I am, like her grandmother, proud of and enjoy the quality of her art work. [Her grandpa.]
- Wayne on April 9, 2024
Love this Lola. Those eyes are amazing. He looks like he’s saying, “trust me!” Creating something this realistic is incredibly challenging. Giving it personality and expression is true art.
- Dee on April 9, 2024
Aw, he's not evil, just hungry and very determined! Excellent depiction of this cute pilferer - great job, Lola!
- Meme' on April 9, 2024
This is very well done, Lola! A difficult subject, beautifully rendered.
- Meme' on March 8, 2024
Lola, pairing this with your cat drawing makes me want to write a story. I could see these as illustrations in a children’s book and would make me wonder what the cat is thinking and what those chickadees are saying to each other. When a work of art gets my imagination going I know it’s really good! Love the rectangular format.
- Dee on March 8, 2024
Lola, I just find your art so intriguing. Love looking at all the little details. This looks like an illustration in a book. Love it.
- Dee on March 8, 2024
Lola, this is a real departure - really superb concept and colorways. I love it a lot and wonder if the large woodland spirit is a friendly or a hostile entity. Very intriguing!
- Meme' on February 13, 2024
Lola, your Gargoyles are adorable, and the cathedral more impressive every time I look at it! I may have to get a bigger fridge, for all these gorgeous magnets! xxx-Meme'
- Lori on January 29, 2024
Lola, I LOVE this! Lots of complex shapes and lots of color! Excellent setting, too. Good work! Xx Meme'
- Meme' on January 29, 2024
Lola I’ve never tried oil pastels. Very challenging and you used all my favorite colors! Glad you are getting a chance to try out a variety of styles and mediums. Your talent is way ahead of your years.
- Dee on January 17, 2024
Lola, this looks just like Otis. Love the Venus fly trap and other plants surrounding Otis. This is so realistic I thought at first it was a photograph.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Your owl collage is very nice indeed! It happens I have a friend Whooo is mad about Owls (see what I did, there?) so I had it made up as a magnet for her to appreciate your talent almost as much as we do! Love and congratulations, Meme'
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
Oh my Lola I really love this one. You just get better and better.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Sweetheart, I LOVE your handsome owl! Happens I have a friend who is really nuts about all owls, so i am having a big coffee mug made and sent to her, and made sure she knows you made the picture. She is a Smith graduate, a retired Art Teacher, so she will understand what work went into this handsome piece! Thank you, Honey! - Meme'
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
Lola this looks exactly like your cat! You just get better and better. Love that you are trying new techniques.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Sweetheart, this is Mazy to the life! Except she is seldom so contemplative, more of a ball of fire! Great job!
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
You are learning so much and your artwork just gets better and better. Love your portraits and that you keep trying new things.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Holy cats, Lola! This is SO spooky and Very effective! Extremely Gothic. I really love this piece, even though you think it could be better, it looks perfectly eerie, to me. xx-Meme'
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
Great first effort, Honey! Keep at it! Meme'
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
Lola: Very impressed that Grandma and I have a granddaughter that has a great talent for art. Keep up the good work.
- Wayne on December 12, 2023
We are not only amazed at this incredible work but also at Lola’s thoughtful and intelligent comments comments! It has been a privilege to watch her talent grow.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Lola, this piece is very effective - and I would never have thought of what I see should have been the obvious fact that the rest of the person is hidden under the water! Macabre! Too cool!
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
Lola this is truly amazing. Portraits are so challenging. I bet I would recognize this person from your artwork. Love the hair and you may be over critical of your work. You are learning and refining you talent with every piece.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
My word, Lola, this is really excellent work! Your Grammy Jahn (um, that'd be your great-Grammy, of course) would be flabbergasted and delighted! A Very accomplished and beautifully-executed work, really is! I congratulate you, and think you should make sure your subject gets a copy of this for her mother. Wow, no joke!
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
Once again I have a peaceful feeling about this drawing. Makes me want to sit in that chair and enjoy the steamy drink. I like the use of colors you chose and the scene it creates.
- Kathie on December 12, 2023
Another challenging project. I’m so impressed on how you are experimenting with a variety of mediums. Pastels are always a challenge. Love the detail in the black and white sketch on the left. Each panel is unique.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Another challenging project. I’m so impressed on how you are experimenting with a variety of mediums. Pastels are always a challenge. Love the detail in the black and white sketch on the left. Each panel is unique.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
Lola, this is a very challenging image and you nailed it. Love the steaming coffee mug.
- Dee on December 12, 2023
What a gorgeous color scheme this is - and your chair, with a nice warm cup of something cheering and a good book, invites the viewer to snuggle in and get comfy. Perfect, especially on this particular chilly, rainy day! very nice indeed! xx-Meme'
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
lola, this Raven is some old snazzy! I love your color choices, and the execution, as always, is excellent! The black and white vignette with the trees, particularly, is very effective!
- Meme' on December 12, 2023
What a cute little owl. As usual your written thoughts are so interesting. I’m so happy you’re getting to try all these different techniques and mediums and developing you special talent.
- Dee on April 12, 2023
Lola this is cleaver and wonderful. I love the spider web and bugs and blue is my favorite color.
- Dee on April 12, 2023
This kaleidoscope is mysterious and a little spooky. The blues and greens make is really charming and attractive while still conveying a serious mood. What a cool, whimsical concept! Better and better, Kiddo! Meme'
- Lorraine on April 12, 2023
Lola, your Tree of Lie piece here has an intriguing texture and an interesting somber mood. I think this is a successful expression of the concept and overall charming execution. Good work! Meme'
- Lorraine on April 12, 2023
Lola, love that you are branching out and getting to try all these different art mediums. Enjoy all your thoughtful comments too. This would be a nice design for a Christmas ornament.
- Dee on March 29, 2023
This piece looks gorgeous to me. Even in the photo I can see it has depth and layers which adds to the interest. I like the color choices too. Something about it is peaceful to me. Good work, Lola.
- KATHIE on March 29, 2023
Lola, This is lovely. I think it might be my new favorite of your work. My first thought was I would love this to be a stained glass window or hanging. Nice job.
- Marcia on March 16, 2023
This is my favorite so far. Feels like springtime and the bird announcing its arrival. Love it.
- Kathie(fan) on March 16, 2023
Lola, this is really superb! Excellent composition and layout, delightful concept. I, too love the blue Wren. Thank you for showing this! I think this is even better than the charming collage of a few weeks ago, even. Kisses, Meme'
- Lori on March 16, 2023
Lola I especially like this still life. You did a great job with depth persception. It makes me feel like I could pick up that apple and take a bite. I can't wait to see more of your work.
- Marcia(fan) on March 16, 2023
Oh I love this one. So hard to draw glass!
- Dee on March 16, 2023
The title adds to the intrigue. I could see this as a book cover with a story to go with it. I like it.
- Kathie(fan) on March 16, 2023
I love the pastel soft, yet warm feeling of this collage. Feels like spring on the move. Beautiful work.
- Kathie(fan) on March 16, 2023
This piece is delightful in composition, color and design concept. You are just the cleverest young woman!
- Meme'(fan) on March 16, 2023
Lola, I love this collage and your comments. So happy you are getting to try out different kinds of artistic creations. Grandma Dee
- Dee on March 16, 2023
Darling, this collage is delightful! Your use of color and line is clever and shows insight and a great design sense. I think this is a very successful piece! Meme'
- Lori on March 16, 2023
Beautiful work Lola. Thanks for sharing
- Dee on February 16, 2023
Lola, you work is charming and very evocative. We think you have a great gift, constantly being expanded. Congratulations! Meme'
- Meme' on February 16, 2023