Kimberlee240's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Kimberlee240's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Uhg! This is beautiful Kimberlee! Aunt Jessie is so proud of your art skills!
- Aunt Jessie on February 14, 2024
Kimberlee your snowman is absolutely amazing!! The way you blended your colors and the happiness on his face brings me joy. I love snowman and I think you did a great job. I love you
- Alexandra on February 14, 2024
What a beautiful peacock. Your so artistic and I love it!!
- Alexandra on February 14, 2024
Oh snow baby! This one is soo beautiful! My favorite so far this year!
- Aunt Jessie on February 14, 2024
Love the colors! And you know i love pumpkins!! Good job kiddo! - Aunt Jessie
- Jessika(fan) on February 14, 2024
This is beautiful kimberlee, I love the way you did the watercolor rainbow. Fall is moms favorite season as well. You have done such beautiful artwork. Your so talented. I'm very proud of you. Love mom
- Alexandra (Mother) on October 15, 2023
Beautiful balloon dogs kiddo! You definitely have that artistic touch!
- Jessika(fan) on February 14, 2024
This panda is so cute. I just love it.
- Alexandra (Mother) on March 22, 2023
Kimberlee you are such a fantastic artist. Each picture gets better and better and you have so much talent. I'm so proud of you!!
- Alexandra (Mother) on March 22, 2023