Alice5114's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Alice5114's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Is the is magical face named “Bob?“ I love how its mouth is turned up into a smile on one side, like a smirk. The character is happy, but mischievous! Like you! Love Daddy
- Michael (Dad!) on April 25, 2024
Dear Alice, what a cool art piece this is. I feel like I’ve looked into a magician’s hat. I’m wondering what tricks can be done with these materials! You are so creative! Love, Daddy
- Michael (Dad!) on April 25, 2024
Dear Alice, This must be my favorite Alice picture yet! When I look at it, I feel like I can hear the musical notes! I love how the desk and screen have music coming out of them and the amplifier has music coming out of it. This picture really puts a song in my heart. Well done! Love, Dad
- Michael (Dad!) on April 25, 2024
Dear Alice, I love this clever sketch of a pulley! Well done! It makes me wonder what it will be used for. Maybe it will lift supplies for a ship heading across the ocean? Maybe it will raise a heavy beam for a new building? Or lift a rusty car into the junkyard? It can do anything. And so can you! Love, Daddy
- Mike (Father) on March 23, 2024
Alice this is SO good!! Your detail is très magnifique (very beautiful)! I cannot wait for you to see it in person very soon!
- Abigail(fan) on February 29, 2024
Alice! This is incredible! I love all the detail. I am so happy you will get to see the Eiffel Tower in person this April. Love Dad
- Mike (Father) on February 29, 2024
Dear Alice, I love how you used different colors to make your weave pattern. Did you know that people have been weaving things like baskets and bowls for 12,000 years? Now, you have made weaving into beautiful art. I bet it feels cool to run your fingers over the pattern and feel the ridges! Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece! Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on February 8, 2024
Dear Alice, This artwork is so beautiful. I love how you used different materials and colors! I also love how you come up with different ideas for every piece you do. You are very creative and special. Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on February 8, 2024
Alice this is so beautiful! You’re a petite Picasso!
- Abbi(fan) on January 21, 2024
I love the detail in this piece Alice! I can see tiny footprints. It makes me wonder what creature wandered through this scene. Wonderful use of color too! Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on January 19, 2024
Alice this is such a wonderful artwork! I can see how you painted your feelings. It makes me feel happy and also a little sad that people hurt the earth. Keep up the great work! Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on January 19, 2024
Alice this is fantastic! This could be hanging in a modern art museum. Can you make me one?
- Emmy on January 18, 2024
Alice this is such a beautiful piece. I feel like I can reach out and put my hand in the water. Love all the colors and textures! Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on January 5, 2024
Alice, this might be my favorite art piece by you, yet. It really feels like I am staring into a Time Machine! I’m imagining all the different things I would see if I could travel through time. Wonderful! Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on December 8, 2023
I love this so much Alice! So colorful, vibrant and happy just like you!
- Emmy(fan) on November 29, 2023
Dear Alice. I just LOVE this artwork! You used so many colors in so many happy shapes. I feel joyful looking at it. You’re a great artist Alice! Love Daddy
- Mike (Father) on November 14, 2023
I live to see your artwork! You are always so creative. Keep up the good work. Love Gran
- Kathie (Grandmother) on November 14, 2023
Alice this is such a beautiful work of art! It reminds me of clouds and water and wind. I am so proud of you! Love Dad
- Mike (Father) on March 2, 2023
What a wonderful piece of art Alice! I love it!!!
- Kathie (Grandmother) on March 2, 2023