Annora61's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Annora61's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am so incredibly proud of this vessel you made! I loved integrating what you are learning about early Texans with Art.
It is such an HONOR for this piece to be displayed at the StateTexas Archeology Month Fair this Sunday October 15th, 2023 at the French Legation in Austin. I really hope you can make it!
- Kayla (teacher at Negley Elementary School) on October 13, 2023
Burgundy is my favorite color! This is beautiful!
- Whitney (Mother) on March 21, 2023
I love all the colors you used and the design on the upper wings! You are getting really good ??
- Whitney (Mother) on February 28, 2023
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