Cyrus1510's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Cyrus1510's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cyrus, I just love this! all my favorite colors! So fun to see you come up with such great pictures! Love, Mimi Sue
- Susan Ball Avery on March 7, 2024
Dear Cyrus, hello from Mimi and Paw Paw in Tennessee. We are so happy to see the artwork that you have drawn. You are a very talented young artist as we see from your paintings and drawings Cyrus. Great job on the character drawing and also your latest work! When we come to visit, you can tell us more about each work of art, okay? We are very proud of you Cyrus! Love, Mimi Shokouh and Paw Paw John.
- John on February 28, 2024