Lucia3052's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Lucia3052's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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It is so cool! Fun to play
- Ben (Father) on April 30, 2024
That is really neat!
- Ben (Father) on February 27, 2024
That is really neat!
- Ben (Father) on January 21, 2024
That is really cool!
- Ben (Father) on December 22, 2023
This is my favorite one Lucy Canni buy it please? Love you more Grandma Cherie
- Grandma Cherie on November 29, 2023
Beautiful Lucy girl You are so gifted Love you more Grandma Cherie
- Grandma Cherie on November 29, 2023
Thats cool, it looks 3D
- Ben (Father) on October 24, 2023
Great job Lucy!
- Ben (Father) on October 24, 2023
I like it, Picasso
- Izzy on January 25, 2023
I like it, it looks cool
- Ben (Father) on January 17, 2023
Great job lucy! It looks really good!
- Ben (Father) on January 16, 2023