Maceo137's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Maceo137's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Maceo is wearing the colors of the Spanish flag :)
- Greg (Father) on November 8, 2023
Very strong Keith Haring influence here...cant wait to ask Maceo about one of my favorite artists and what he learned about him
- Greg (Father) on November 8, 2023
Also it me maceo
- Katrina (Mother) on November 7, 2023
- Katrina (Mother) on November 7, 2023
The creativity of this painting!! It's a cat? The mustache hides a girl. Love, love it. What an imagination goes into this piece of art. Very Dali or Picasso inspired art. Great job !!!
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023
I love this! The faces, the people in the center... again, composition is the the art of thus painting.
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023
Oh! Oh! Spooky. Flying bats and creatures getting away from the monster in the middle. I love how the painting appears to swirl around. The eye for space and distance and perception the artist portraits in this painting. Wonderful!
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023
Beautiful!! The background, clouds in the sky with different tones. The details of the person's clothing that appears to be shouting to the sky. Amazing!
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023
I love this! Looks like colorful hot air balloons. Great job!
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023
This 4 cartoon pages speak to us. Aliens and wolf's and conversations. Great drawings and expression of all characters. Great work from the artist
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023
Beautiful impresion of the forest! I see a sunrise with yellow and orange hues. The dancing trees are happy to feel the sunrise. Amazing work of art!
- Maria(fan) on November 8, 2023