Lily23399's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Lily23399's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Lily! Absolutely amazing! Xoxi
- Katie (Mother) on June 4, 2024
So pretty! I love the colors and the techniques. ??
- Katie (Mother) on February 6, 2024
Yay lily! Love this so much!
- Katie (Mother) on December 6, 2023
Great job lily! ?? it! Xoxo
- Katie (Mother) on April 11, 2023
I love the swirls here so much! Will you give me are lessons? Xoxo
- Katie (Mother) on February 16, 2023
You are so good at line work and coloring! Great job kiddo! Xoxo
- Katie (Mother) on February 16, 2023
Love the ?? babe! Keep up the good work! Xoxo
- Katie (Mother) on February 16, 2023