Charles17629's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Charles17629's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Truly out of this world! Love your creativity, Charles. Nicely done. Keep up the fantastic work!
- Oma on May 1, 2024
What a beautiful heart, Charles! Your background is very colorful. Super job! xoxo
- Oma on February 14, 2024
Beautiful Fall leaf, Charles! Wonderful colors in your work.
- Oma on February 14, 2024
Beautiful Cardinal, Charles! The male Cardinal is one of my favorite birds. Your artwork is amazing! xoxo
- Oma on February 14, 2024
Wonderful snowman, Charles! Love his hat and checkered scarf. You made him look so handsome. Keep up the fantastic work. xoxo
- Oma on February 14, 2024
Self-portrait with your missing tooth! Love it! You have a special eye for details. Always doing your best. XOXO
- Oma on October 28, 2023
Hi Charles, I love your artwork collection, you are doing such a great job. Is this a drawing of you? Is the dark spot on your teeth where he is missing a tooth? Super work keep up with your nice drawing. Thank for sharing them with Nana & Papa. We love you!
- Nana on October 28, 2023
Charles, your Baby Chick is quite unique! The color you used is very rare. You have a lot of creativity. XOXO
- Oma on May 3, 2023
Super cute owls, Charles! Love their eyes.
- Oma on February 22, 2023
Charlie what wonderful artwork I love the color pink and the eyes in the teeth look really great you are an artist in the making I am so proud of you you do such great work Charlie you're coloring is fantastic have fun love Nana
- Nana on December 14, 2022
Outstanding work, Charles. Beautiful colors in your Patchwork design! XOXOXO
- Oma on November 9, 2022
Love this Patchwatch drawing, Charles. Keep up the super creativity! XOXO
- Oma on November 9, 2022
Nice job Charlie! Very colorful and creative!
- Opa on November 9, 2022