Abigail36711's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Abigail36711's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Abbi, this is such a beautiful piece of artwork. I wish you and I were on this boat sailing around Lake George. You are such a talented artist. Love you so much,
- Grammie and Papa on November 13, 2024
I'm in awe. This is absolutely beautiful Abbi. Your art improving so much with every piece! Keep it up. Love you! -Dad
- Paul (Father) on October 30, 2024
Your use of colors in this picture is amazing. You are so talented! I love the eyelashes on the yellow fish!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 29, 2024
This is so great! I love the blue dog and roller coaster!!!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 29, 2024
Abbi your artwork is amazing! You are so talented!
- Victoria (Mother) on February 29, 2024
Dear Abbi, you are such a wonderful artist. I can tell you put so much thought into every piece of art that you create. I love the little dog house in this picture! I also love all the little birds flying around the bird house and the tire swing. You have such a great imagination. Love you to the moon and back, Grammie and Papa
- Grammie and Papa on February 29, 2024
Dear Abbi, I love how colorful the fish are. They are as colorful as the fish in the giant fish tank that we had dinner in the restaurant with. Remember all the fishing swimming by while we ate with the beautiful colors? This picture looks just like it! Keep drawing these amazing pictures my beautiful girl ??. Love you always, Grammie and Papa
- Grammie and Papa on February 29, 2024
Dear Abbi, I love your picture!!!! The roller coaster reminds me of when we went to Disney this past summer ??. You are such a great drawer and Papa loves wearing his shirt with your artwork on it. Love you my sweet girl. Love you forever, Grammie and Papa
- Grammie and Papa on February 29, 2024
Such beautiful and colorful fish. Abbi is such a great artist.
- Grammie on December 27, 2023
I absolutely love this. It is a beautiful piece of art!
- Paul Dunn on December 27, 2023