Weston4631's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Weston4631's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is pretty amazing Weston. You’re doing such a wonderful job with your art!
- Sade(Aunt) on June 19, 2024
I can’t wait to get my magnets of your art! So nice!
- Sade(Aunt) on June 19, 2024
Absolutely gorgeous!
- Grand-Ma Karen on May 2, 2024
Hi Weston! I absolutely LOVE the colors and strokes in this piece. Just beautiful. Love - Cousin Jael
- Jael on February 28, 2024
Hi Weston! Once again your art is fantastic. I really love the smoke coming from the chimney. Keep up the good work. Love J
- Jael on February 14, 2024
Weston your pumpkins are amazing! They really put me in a holiday mood. Great job!
- Cousin Jael on December 13, 2023
What a wonderful piece of art Weston. It has great contrast and color and makes me happy each time I look at it. Keep up the good work.
- Cousin Jael on December 13, 2023
Great work Weston. Love this one!
- Karen on December 13, 2023
Awesome work King Weston!
- Mable (Mother) on September 12, 2023