Jaeda371's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Jaeda371's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the colors and the cute little frog! There is a lot of movement in her drawing. Keep up the great drawings! Mimi
- Cloanne (Legal guardian) on March 12, 2024
Love those colors! The different shades of color really look great together!
- Cloanne (Legal guardian) on January 20, 2024
She has such a good eye to detail. Love the colors. Also love the contrast to the black and white! Good job Jaeda!
- Cloanne (Legal guardian) on September 26, 2023
I love the way these colors pop! Great job!
- Cloanne (Legal guardian) on September 16, 2023
I love this! The colors are great and really stand out on the black background. She is my little artist!
- Cloanne (Legal guardian) on August 29, 2023
Love the colors Jaeda used. She is my favorite artist!
- Cloanne on November 9, 2022