I like your pineapple Mayli! You have a great eye for detail. Nice job!
- Julie (Legal guardian) on November 22, 2024
What a great cardinal Mayli! Your branch is detailed and looks lifelike.
- Julie (Legal guardian) on February 8, 2024
OOhhh pottery. Grandma Diane would be so proud. I like the color you painted your tea light holder. Good job Mayli
- Julie (Legal guardian) on December 14, 2022
Oh the colors you used Mayli make this dream catcher perfect. You did good by drawing the flowery design in the center of the catcher. The blue you used around it makes it look floating. Mayli you have some real talent girl.
- Julie (Legal guardian) on November 11, 2022
Mayli, this castle is AMAZING!!!!!! I think you were dreaming and thinking about Glen Bogal House when you drew this picture. I love the walk way. Good job Mayli!