Alex5437's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Alex5437's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Alex, this turned out great. You worked hard on it and it shows. I'm proud of you.
- on February 2, 2009
Yours turned out great, I tried it, way too much work.
- on February 2, 2009
I like this one.
- on February 2, 2009
Alex, I'm impressed. Tim
- on February 2, 2009
Alex, this is great. It's like a puzzle. I love looking at it and guessing what each thing is. Great Job !!!
- on January 18, 2009
This is great, you really took your time on this piece, and it shows. It is very detailed and colored just right. Good job.
- on January 14, 2009
Alex, ahhhh ok, the workmanship on your comic strip is great. Sherry
- on December 3, 2008
Al, you're a genius, i didn't know u had your artwork displayed. its all very nice, but i like this one the best, cause you're in it! :)
- on December 3, 2008
Alex, tessellations are a challenge, the space theme worked great.
- on October 29, 2008
Great drawing. The colors look good. It looks like you took your time with this art piece.
- on October 24, 2008
Great piece and the glaze colors make it fun.
- on October 24, 2008
Great little coil pot, the bright glazes really make it better.
- on October 24, 2008
Great way to solve your Art for Sole project.
- on February 24, 2009