Alexander37201's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Alexander37201's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Alexander, Your painting is wonderful! I like it a lot! This painting is vibrant and beautiful! It creates atmosphere of simplicity and freshness. Thank you for being such a talented painter! Grandma Olga
- Olga on February 26, 2025
Alex! Your Aaron Draplin style of graphic design made me curious to find out who Aaron Draplin is. I learned that he is an artist who lives in Oregon in a city that is near where Grandpa Eric and I live. Imagine that! I love the landscape picture that you have created. Very excellent indeed!
- Grandma Virginia on February 24, 2025
Witchy-witch! Which way will Witchy wander? Up? I love your artwork, Alex. Was chalk your medium?
- Grandma Virginia on December 4, 2024
This flower is beautiful! It brings to me memories of my childhood when I liked collecting flowers. This flower looks so alive that I almost feel its texture and fragrance. Thank you, Alexander!
- Olga on May 1, 2024
Alexander, I am very curious to know what tool you used to create this flower. Did you use a wide stiff paint brush or a carpenter’s spatula tool? The way that you layered the black and grays with the white paint make the petals look so real! I can see the sun shining on the orange center. As an artist, you’ve motivated me to look very closely at flowers I see outside today to notice the many hidden colors and shadows in a “small white flower.” Thank you.
- Grandma Virginia on April 27, 2024
Alexander, your painting express the character of this little creature. First I thought its monkey, but then I decided its a very special unspecified creature from an interesting story. This creature looks mysterious and a bit scary. Looking forward to know from you who is this very expressive creature. Great job, Alexander!
- Grandma Olga on March 20, 2024
Funny and happy face! Nicely done! I myself started smiling looking at the painting. Great job, Alexander!
- Grandma Olga on March 20, 2024
Alex, this is the grumpiest monkey I have ever seen! Your picture makes me want to give the monkey a banana on a stick (like a popsicle) spread with peanut butter and dipped in tiny marshmallows. Do you think your grumpy monkey would like that treat? Grandma Virginia
- Grandma Virginia on March 20, 2024
Very cool Alexander!
- Grandpa Eric on February 14, 2024
Alex, I like the colors you used in your Kandinsky circle painting. You probably learned that the big Philadelphia Art Museum has a famous circle painting by Kandinsky. Maybe you will find it the next. time you go there!
- Grandma Virginia on February 14, 2024
I like this painting! Different shades of blue color so unexpectedly looks harmonious with the green and brown colors. This painting reminds me our beautiful planet!
- Grandma Olga on February 14, 2024
I like this painting a lot! Vibrant colors, changing intensity of the background, and expression of the central figure makes this painting very special. So much imagination! Grandma Olga
- Grandma Olga on December 27, 2023
I like your Cubist artwork, it reminds me of a Picasso painting. It is even more special because YOU created it! Nice work, Alex! —from Grandma Virginia
- Grandma Virginia on November 29, 2023
Alex, this clever and colorful collage is a fun game! I put my finger on the point of a crayon and followed the color line to the end. I even found a heart ??. The heart reminds me how much I love you. ??
- GrandmaVirginia on April 12, 2023
Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! Which pawed animal has stepped onto Alex’s artwork?! Warm colors on the left side make me feel warm. Cool colors on the right side are so beautiful and make me shiver. Did this big animal feel the warm and the cold? Hmmmm. Great artwork, Alex! You made me think and feel. That is what great artists do.
- GrandmaVirginia on April 12, 2023
I love your bold shapes and colors, Alex! One of the alphabet letters runs off the right edge of the paper and I think that makes the picture much more interesting. This colorful artwork makes me feel joy. I hope you like it. I sure do!
- Grandma Virginia on February 8, 2023
I see the colorful autumn leaves falling from a grove of birch trees! Your painting comes alive in my imagination and reminds me that I love autumn leaves. Thank you!
- Grandma Virginia on January 4, 2023
I like how the artist, Alexander, first created a beautiful background with watercolor paints and then balanced the picture with the strong black graphic designs. Beautiful!
- Grandma Virginia on January 4, 2023
I really like the strong primary colors in this painting and how the artist used the yellow and blue paints to make green!
- Grandma Virginia on January 4, 2023