Jaxton651's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Jaxton651's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jaxton, I love seeing all the things you create!
- Courtney (Mother) on November 17, 2023
Jaxton, I love this picture!! It reminds me of our trip to the sunflower farm. You are a very talented artist. Love, Gramma Kim
- Kim on December 8, 2023
Awesome job, Jaxton! I love the sunflower!
- Courtney (Mother) on October 17, 2023
I love your polar bear Jaxton!
- Grandma Marcia on February 8, 2023
I love this! You were telling me about this last night and asking what they sky was like where polar bears live. So cool!
- Courtney on February 1, 2023
You are quite the artist Jax! Looking forward to seeing more!!
- Grandma Kim on November 16, 2022
Great Job Jaxton!
- Marcia on November 9, 2022
Great job, buddy! I love seeing your work!
- Mom on November 9, 2022