Vivian5896's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Vivian5896's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Vivian5896 I am a junior at Lancaster High School in Lancaster, WI. My Artsonia ID is Emma39830. This piece is very cool. The details in this piece are very complex and intricate. I feel like there is a deep meaning behind this picture that isn't necessarily clear and because of it not being clear, it makes this piece even deeper. This piece over all is absolutely beautiful. This piece was very well done. Keep up the great work!
- Emma on June 7, 2023
Uh mazing. What a supernova! And I also see a human and an angry hippo.
- Moe (Mother) on May 8, 2023
- Moe (Mother) on April 18, 2023